This is my husband. Wearing a jacket. In August.
And this is my daughter. Also wearing a jacket. Over her swimsuit.
Why, you ask? Because this is me, and how huge I am. (The angle of this photo does not even quite represent the extent of my girth. I was trying to get a decent size-perspective photo from Travis but I made the mistake of asking him during a football game.) As a result, I keep the thermostat nice and low so I don't suffocate. Travis likes to remind me that he lives in the Arctic. And now he has the head cold to prove it.
You can't see the numbers in any of the pictures (I think the tape measure is upside-down anyway) but it's in the neighborhood of 42. I know you were wondering.
Seriously, this little boy is enormous.
A little pregnancy update, since I've kind of left the poor little guy out of the blog altogether... We are at a countdown of 4 days until D-Day, with an induction scheduled for Wednesday September 8th (which is probably the way things will go given my babies' track records). That leaves me with only a maximum of 1 week left with only two little girls! I've been trying to soak up all the girl time I can, filling up on all the afternoon outings and leisurely shopping that we can fit in. Not that I'm afraid that the little guy will ruin our girl time, but... okay actually that's exactly it. He probably will. Babies are cute and all, but... that's about it, right? At least my girls can talk to me and make me laugh and love me back! I love this age. I can't help but wonder how I will love a third child as much as I love my two girls. But then, I thought the same thing about Kate when Brooklyn was born, and we see how that worked out, so I'm sure I will be surprised.

Seriously, this little boy is enormous.
A little pregnancy update, since I've kind of left the poor little guy out of the blog altogether... We are at a countdown of 4 days until D-Day, with an induction scheduled for Wednesday September 8th (which is probably the way things will go given my babies' track records). That leaves me with only a maximum of 1 week left with only two little girls! I've been trying to soak up all the girl time I can, filling up on all the afternoon outings and leisurely shopping that we can fit in. Not that I'm afraid that the little guy will ruin our girl time, but... okay actually that's exactly it. He probably will. Babies are cute and all, but... that's about it, right? At least my girls can talk to me and make me laugh and love me back! I love this age. I can't help but wonder how I will love a third child as much as I love my two girls. But then, I thought the same thing about Kate when Brooklyn was born, and we see how that worked out, so I'm sure I will be surprised.
To ward off the summer heat, I took the girls to a splash pad yesterday to cool off. I thought this was a good idea, until I realized that I was the one that was too hot, not them, and they got chilly pretty fast in all that cold water. Meanwhile I sat on a hot bench on the sidelines. Something was wrong with that idea. (Don't worry, I joined them soon enough.)
So if you're sick of this residual summer heat, now you know where to come for a little Arctic vacation, and almost certainly a fudgesicle or snow cone (I've been subsisting on both).
6 sweet nothings:
Haha, that's how our house is year round!!! I constantly have goosebumps, even in the middle of summer, because Sterling is always hot. At least you have the excuse of being pregnant. I was kinda hoping you'd induce a week late, so then our boys would be exactly six months apart, but I'm sure you're looking forward to having him out. Wish I could be there!!
I know how you feel. I was huge with Luke and constantly dying of heat (he was born in August). Good luck with everything, boys are great!
Our house had Arctic temperatures until July 7th. I am so grateful I didn't have to go beyond that! Good luck next week!
Wow, it's almost time! I really really really hope we follow in your footsteps and eventually have a little boy to add to the girls. I want a boy, but then I also have your feelings about not knowing how to do something different and loving another baby! Before Ella was born I kept telling myself a mother's love multiplies, not divides. I'm sure that's the truth.
That splash pad looks really fun. Hope everything goes well next week!!!
Wow, I had no idea you were due so soon! Now I'm going to be checking back daily looking for your little man. I can't wait to see what you name him. Good luck with the labor!!!
I can't wait for this new guy to come! good luck!!! Is that the last belly pic we're gonna get?? No full body shot for posterity's sake?
As for this years byu t-shirt you guys have really stepped things up! What? you dont want people to ask if you made your shirts anymore so you decided to make itlook all professional??? common. youre gonna make our shirts look like a third grader did it. :) Keep up the good work. we'll do our best to keep up with the Lundells.
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