Thursday, September 2, 2010

Krista's Protegé

Although I think Kate is too young for formal piano lessons, she's been asking me to teach her so I gave her a couple informal little lessons. So far she has learned her finger numbers and how to play one finger at a time on the keys (a BIG challenge for tiny hands!), as well as quarter notes, half notes, and bar lines. I was surprised at how much of all that she actually retained. She even sits down to "practice" on her own every day now. Here she is performing: (she only played the second line of the song - but at least she played it correctly!)

I'm so thrilled to have a little girl who shares the same interests as me! That's how I got my start on the piano too - watching my mommy play and teach lessons!

3 sweet nothings:

Erika said...

Weren't you only four when you started lessons? Way to go Kate! That's awesome!!

tylerandmommy said...

Yay how exciting! Teach her quick and then we might have more than two people who can play the piano in primary...

Wendi said...
