Friday, August 27, 2010


Tonight at dinner it was Kate's turn to say the prayer. She loves to make them as long and eloquent and full of big words as possible, but sometimes she can't think of a wide enough variety of things to say. So tonight's prayer was nice and long but consisted of her asking for us to have a beautiful day, or some variation on the "day." After a while I couldn't help but laugh every time she paused to search for a word (which, inevitably, was "day"), so I tried to kind of shield my face from her so as not to egg her on. I sneaked a peek at Travis and he was doing the same thing. I thought I stifled my laughter pretty well until she said "amen," and then immediately asked, "But why were you bouncing?" To which I just openly laughed out loud. Because that's what happens when I and my giant pregnant belly laugh. (Or try not to.) I bounce. Like Santa Claus.

Then Brooklyn had a coughing fit and Travis asked if she felt sick, and she asked, "What?" in this really deep gremlin voice that made her sound like a 60-yr-old smoker. And I bounced again for a good 10 minutes.

And then I dropped an olive on the floor. I'm kind of freakishly possessive over freshly cleaned floors, so when I envisioned it sitting there and maybe leaving a little oily smudge on the carpet (PS who was the genius who thought that carpet in a dining room would be a good idea?), I couldn't stand the horror so I just leaned over to pick it up. The effort nearly killed me and when I finally sat up my whole side dissolved into a huge painful cramp (like leg cramps but... in my side...?) that left me wailing painfully. Travis was like, "What were you doing???" and I held up the olive helplessly. Kate told me I should have asked her to pick it up. And Travis said, "Yeah, why do you think we had kids?" But it was totally worth it. Pretty soon I will be able to pick things up off the floor again. Oh the glory!

And that was dinner.

2 sweet nothings:

Doreen said...

THAT IS AWESOME. Every paragraph of that post is stinkin' hilarious! I WISH I could have been there for what Brooklyn said when asked if she was sick.
And I'm loving not being pregnant again. It's so nice to be able to tie my own shoes without having to hold my breath. While pregnant I learned that shoe shopping is next to impossible unless you have someone to put the straps on for you. Can't wait to see your first BOY!

Tammy said...

So funny. I totally understand. I feel like Santa Claus too. And the leaning over thing kills me. I've started using my feet, all of that ballet training, to help me pick up toys and stuff off the floor. And I start cramping up too. Ah...the joys of pregnancy.