Sunday, October 2, 2016


I'm so behind, but I wanted to post these two stories from today.

Kate and Brooklyn were pretending to work for Cox Health (competing hospital to the one where Travis worked in Springfield...???) and Brooklyn was interviewing Kate for a job. She was asking questions like, "What would you do if a patient came in and you didn't know what to do for them?" At one point she said, "Sometimes I'm away from my desk, and you would have to take over. What if you didn't know what to do for someone?"
Kate: "I'd ask you."
Brooklyn: "But I'm away from my desk."
Kate: "I'd ask, I don't know, your assistant doctor?"
Brooklyn: "That's you."
The whole interview went on like this and I was dying!

At bedtime, Brooklyn was adjusting the beads on her dreamcatcher. "When all the beads are on the outside, I only have bad dreams, and when they're all on the inside, I only have good ones."
Me: "Weird... I wonder why they're even adjustable then."
Brooklyn: "Yeah I don't know." [Adjusts beads carefully] "Usually I keep them right here, about in the middle..."
Me: "Wait, what? Why? Don't you only want good dreams?"
Brooklyn: "Well, I don't want to have TOO good of dreams, like where I get all this rich money..." (Then she actually did that cash-dealing motion with her hands)
Kate: "Yeah and then it's hard to wake up and you feel bad about yourself."

These girls. I love having my own live-in stand-up comics.

0 sweet nothings: