Thursday, September 8, 2016

Troy is 6!

Today my baby boy turned 6! This is the part where I exclaim and marvel about how fast the time flies and how quickly kids grow up. You can fill that part in yourself. It's more exciting when you use your imagination anyway.
[Okay fine this was an old picture. He's barely 5 1/4 here. I'll get new ones. Soon.]

Travis was off work today, and Nolan was at his play group, so we picked Troy up from school and took him to lunch! Time alone with Mom and Dad is rare, so we tried to make the most out of it! Then he wanted to go back to school.

Today was honestly the busiest day we've had in months. Kate, for instance, was gone from 7:30 am to 8:30 pm without stopping at home once! It was crazy. So Troy got left by the wayside a little bit. Finally at 8:30 (!!!) we had cake and opened presents. I mean, unwrapped them, because he didn't actually get to play with them before bed. He was excited, though! Also, his cake. He requested a strawberry cake with strawberry frosting. I was super disappointed because I'd been dreaming of chocolate peanut butter cake since, well, probably my own birthday. Nevertheless, I baked my son a pink cake.

For the record, strawberry cake mix and frosting from the store are gross.

0 sweet nothings: