Sunday, March 20, 2016

We met him in St. Louis

Travis was invited to give a presentation at this year's MSMA conference in St. Louis, and he left on Friday to have a little more time to prepare. Saturday morning, we packed up and met him there for a quick weekend getaway!

The kids and I drove straight to the science museum, about which we had been hearing accolades. The praises we'd heard were actually understatements! This place was amazing! And perhaps best of all, FREE!

When we first arrived, Nolan had fallen asleep in the car. He woke up as we got out and was still pretty groggy. So when we walked through the doors and into the crowd, immediately to be confronted with a life-size, moving, roaring Tyrannosaurus Rex, he was, well, terrified. He kept saying "scared" and "dinosaurs" while clinging to me for dear life. By the time we left a couple hours later, though, he had changed his mind and actually threw a tantrum because he wanted to see the dinosaurs again.

A model of the Mars rover

 After we were done playing, we met Travis at our hotel, had dinner and socialized with some of his old friends we hadn't seen for a while (and current ones too - one of Kate's classmates from school was there!) The kids went swimming and we ordered pizza! Then stayed up way too late watching a movie we'd never heard of. You know, the standard hotel behavior!

 Then this morning, we looked out the window... 
 This was BEFORE the blizzard of snow started!
This is what Spring Break looks like in St. Louis!

It was a blustery cold day, but that didn't keep us from the Gateway Arch

The sign said we could hug it.

Sadly, Travis wasn't tall enough to ride up to the top of the arch.

We closed off our quick sightseeing day with WAY too much ice cream + soda at Fitz's

Unfortunately, Nolan missed the bulk of the ice cream eating. 

So long, St. Louis!
We're back in sunny KC tonight!
Just kidding, it's freezing.

1 sweet nothings:

Lauren said...

Krista, I loved catching up on your family tonight! You guys are still the cutest couple ever! And those are the biggest ice cream floats I've ever seen! Love and miss you guys.