Sunday, April 5, 2015

Adventures With Friends (the newest mobile game that does not require a cell phone)

Lest you think Springfield is not such a happenin' place, I have here some bona fide photographic proof that we have succeeded in enticing some friends to come visit us here! We were lucky enough to spend the weekend with our dear friends from Kansas City, the Von Guntens!

We were neighbors in Kansas City for a couple of years, during which time our kids all became very close (and parents too). Then cruel fate stepped in and they moved very far away to South Carolina! Fortunately, fate stepped out again (I guess?) and then they came back. Yes, to the same street! And we were neighbors again. But fate stepped back in once more and we moved to Springfield. Then fate did a little hokey pokey because WE are now going back to KC, but THEY are moving to Oklahoma City. Ah, cruel Fate! Where are you now?

During Travis's clinical rotations when he was away for months and months and I was alone and half the time pregnant and generally hungry and grouchy and overwhelmed all the time (we're going to blame all that on the pregnancy/Travis being gone and pretend like that isn't my normal status.) I really came to lean on Rebecca and my surrogate "family" in Kansas City. It was so hard to leave. I love these guys so much!

But we had to show them how to have fun in Springfield! Ha ha! First stop, of course: Bass Pro Shops!

This is pretty much Troy's favorite place on earth.

These two. 

And these two! So cute.

Next up: Silver Dollar City!
Um Rebecca has all the good pictures from here, so I will just have to wait until I can steal them from her.

First featured attraction - Marvel Cave!
I have to admit, I had no idea this cave tour even existed. This cave was incredible - well, the half that we saw. The lowest point was flooded from all the rain we've had, so they were doing half tours... meaning you climb down 300 ft or so into the cave, tour a couple different passages, and then climb back out the same way! (Apparently the full tour has a tram take you out at the end.) But we are tough so it was fine. We also saw several bats! Mostly sleeping hanging from the ceiling.

 This main cavern, the "Cathedral Room," was enormous - obviously the low light makes it impossible to see! Our guide said they once fit five hot air balloons inside that space! I'm still skeptical, but still it was impressive. Oh wait, Google has given me some pictures, so apparently it is true!
Hm, I'm only counting three...
Maybe five?

Anyway, moving on.
Kate has missed her best friend so much. She doesn't really have any close friends here. It was sweet to see these two pick up right where they left off.
 Yep, in the stocks. Labeled as "troublemakers"... That's about where they left off!
Love the photobomb by Troy.

 These crazies (including 6-yr-old Dillon!!!) rode the Powderkeg rollercoaster. I preferred to sit and watch with the 7 other children!

It was such a perfect day - the weather was perfect, the kids were perfect, we ate funnel cakes. We just had the greatest time all around. These little girls had the hardest time parting at the end of the night. Kate said she cried in the car.

Next project: Convince Fate to step out for good so we can all live in Kansas City forever.

0 sweet nothings: