On our way out the door, Troy mentioned he had a headache, and I told him maybe it would help to take a little rest when we got home. By the time we reached the store, about three miles later, he was burning up and too lethargic even to get out of his car seat. It was crazy! He slept all the way home and went straight to bed. I canceled the babysitting plans and made other arrangements for a friend to take Kate and all the supplies to her activity. Then I started dinner (which is to say, I began cooking eggs. Travis being gone = free pass on cooking for me). Troy came downstairs crying that "it didn't work" (my idea of a nap to help his headache). I was hurrying to cook individual plates of food so Kate could eat before leaving. Travis called as I cracked eggs into a pan, and I tried to talk to him over Troy's crying and the doorbell ringing (Kate's ride), so I hurried to gather up the craft supplies while Troy starting throwing up all over the living room (and crying even louder). Then he wanted a bath, so after cleaning up him and the living room and telling Brooklyn to keep Nolan (now mostly mobile) away from the living room, I put Troy in the tub. He wanted to stay in the warm water a little longer, so I said he could as long as Brooklyn stayed in the room with him. I went downstairs to the overcooked food and found Kate's plate like this:
Totally untouched.
And all night I kept burning the toast.
Brooklyn appeared in a swimsuit, carrying Nolan, and explained that Troy wanted her to cuddle with him so she climbed in the tub. She handed the baby to me and he was soaking, from being carried around by a little girl in a wet swimsuit, of course. Troy eventually came downstairs and saw the food, and he finally decided he wanted some dinner, so I cooked him a plate. And then he sat in front of it like this.
Poor thing! This went on the rest of the night, pretty much, in a cycle. Troy threw up again upstairs, and when I came back up with cleaner, he was scrubbing his bedroom carpet with a baby wipe. He just hates the mess! I'm hoping he'll feel better tomorrow. Whatever it is came on so suddenly and hit him so hard! At some point I finally made it downstairs to eat my cold omelette and burnt toast.
But Kate and Brooklyn were so concerned about Troy. While he was sleeping, they made him these [matching] Get Well cards. Kate also bought him a present at the store, which they wrapped and made a gift tag to go with it.
And today was dress-as-your-future-career day for Red Ribbon week at school. The girls both dressed as teachers. Complete with pencils in their hair (in buns, of course). They both originally wanted to be moms, but then they couldn't decide how to dress up as a mom. They were saying "maybe wear fancy clothes and makeup?" Which made me feel validated in my chosen profession, because I'm pretty sure when I was their age, "dressing like a mom" meant a bathrobe and curlers. Ha!
Oh, and their name tags, which they made themselves, of course, say "Miss Lundell."
I love that these two little girls of mine want to do everything together. Most days they want their hair done the same way and often even dress alike. That was exactly what I dreamed of when I had these two little sisters so close together - little matching girls that wanted to be just like each other.
Fortunately I had the foresight to leave a bucket by Troy's bed. Just now I went in because he was asking for a drink of water, and happened to notice that he'd already used the bucket. Never said anything, just threw up and went back to sleep... I'm looking forward to another long night following this long day.
As usual!
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