Today was Troy's first day of preschool!
He was so excited (and has been for the past week) - it's all he can talk about! This morning he picked out his outfit and then ran to find a sandwich bag for his sandwich so, he said, it won't get all yucky in his backpack. He had thought all of this through. He was positively glowing up until we actually got to his classroom (which he has visited twice before). Then the jitters set in, and he wouldn't even let me take a picture of him outside the door. Nolan and I went in with him and he seemed to warm up a little bit, but he still clung to me, and when I tried to leave he cried and said, "I don't want you to go!" Oh boy that little boy breaks my heart. But of course we had to leave, so we said our goodbyes and hopefully he is not still crying!
I'm going to be honest: I really had to work to keep it together as I left and walked across the parking lot. I kind of wanted to click my heels and burst into tears at the same time. Just so many emotional extremes for me all the time these days! But I pulled myself together. Then Nolan and I were off to the gym! Wow I can't even remember what it was like to have just one baby at home! Kind of like this I think...
That is how I feel! I think I'll go take a nap... :)
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