Sometime between 1:00 and 4:00 am: Wake up to feed Nolan. Fall asleep in rocking chair. Wake up 20 minutes later with cramped neck and baby sleeping on lap. Place sleeping baby in crib, where he automatically wakes up, of course, because that thing is way uncomfortable compared to Mommy's arms. Search the entire house for a pacifier. Finally grab the spare from the diaper bag. Give to baby and turn off all the lights again hoping he'll go back to sleep.
6:00 am: Wake up to feed Nolan again. Repeat most of previous entry. Kate comes in and very delicately tells me there's something I need to come see... and also hints, "I think you'll be... disappointed."
7:00 am: Finish removing silly putty from Brooklyn's pillow, comforter, and pajamas. Go downstairs to make breakfast. Discover that the kids have already helped themselves. Throw out the gigantic bowls of soggy cereal and clean the kitchen.
8:00 am: Start printing handouts for Primary sharing time and classroom signs for the doors, since our ward was split last week. Reorganize the classroom map again.
8:30 am: Remember I haven't eaten breakfast. Eat breakfast.
9:00 am: Re-print sharing time handouts due to technical difficulties (user error). Put out a dozen fires along the way: Brooklyn pours a bucket of water over Kate's head in the bathtub (heaven forbid!), convince Troy that he should not wear his heavy gray Christmas sweater to church in late June, dig through bin of larger baby clothes for something that fits Nolan because he has grown way way way too fast, realize that the meat that was supposed to go in the Crock Pot for dinner is still kind of frozen in the middle, microwave it and then put it in the Crock Pot on high and cross my fingers, feed Nolan again.
10:00 am: Retrieve sharing time handouts from printer. Finish planning sharing time.
11:15 am: Take a shower.
11:30 am: Feed Nolan again. Try to start hair and make-up. More fires.
12:00 pm: Convince Travis to feed the kids lunch and wake Nolan up to get him dressed. Discover Brooklyn still has silly putty in her hair. (Note: this could have been disastrous if I had not already been highly experienced in the art of silly-putty-removal. Hand sanitizer + dish soap, in case you were wondering. You're welcome.) Convince the girls to let me do their hair. Much fighting ensues. Girls go to church with unkempt hair. Kate must change clothes a dozen times.
12:30 pm: Leave for church early to copy sharing time handouts and put signs on classroom doors. Eat a slice of bread and jam and string cheese in the car while cutting out Primary papers.
1:03 pm: Spend a good 10 min. scouring the chapel for my family. Finally locate them by recognizing Nolan, in the arms of another mommy.
2:15 pm: Sort out primary classes and teach a disjointed sharing time that sounded much better in my head.
4:05 pm: Discover that I forgot to hand out the handouts.
4:30 pm: Come home and feed Nolan.
5:00 pm: Start dinner and dessert for dessert night with friends. Kids want to help with baking, so each of them must add an ingredient. It must be fair or fighting ensues. Kate breaks four eggs on the kitchen floor. Taste raw rhubarb for the first time in years and wonder whose idea it was to make a dessert out of it.
6:00 pm: Meat is not done.
6:30 pm: Turn around to discover that the kids decided this was a good time and place to break out the finger paints.
6:50 pm: Clean the kitchen again. Step on something wet and sticky. Look down to see a paper with two blue painted hand prints stuck to the bottom of my foot. Remark to Travis that someday there will NOT be a paper with blue painted hand prints stuck to the bottom of my foot, and I will be sad.
7:00 pm: Dinner is finally served. Convince Brooklyn to take a bite of meat without gagging. Break up the mad rush for the last of the pickles. Spend at least 15 minutes trying to remove roasted potato slices from a sheet of aluminum foil.
9:30 pm: Long overstay our dessert night - Kids have erupted into at least four fights or break-downs, Nolan is damp and hungry, and it has started to lightning outside. Take everyone home, scriptures, teeth brushed and bed. A contest to make each other laugh begins. Travis wins.
10:15 pm: Plan tomorrow's workout and swimming lessons with friends. Clean kitchen. Again. Look around and wonder why the house looks like it does. Try to remember what I did all day, again?
Oh how I love this crazy little life of mine!
2 sweet nothings:
June 2048 - Read futuristic "blog" of Kate's children leaving a paper with two blue painted hand prints stuck to the bottom of HER foot. Remember with fondness those crazy, busy days of messy, loving children. Smile at the fact that your daughter gets to enjoy them. And never regret the time and effort the best job in the world requires. :D Love you.
I... never want to be a mother.
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