Anyway, we crammed a bunch of momentous events into one weekend for the sake of efficiency. Travis's parents flew in as well. Miraculously, we all arrived on time for every event.
Beginning with graduation:
Troy always insists on a "silly face" picture.
Which apparently in our family means just sticking out your tongue.
The next day we took off for Stanton, Nebraska, to see this little sweetheart get baptized as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Unfortunately I am an ill-prepared aunt and forgot my camera for this trip! So not many pictures, but we did have a great time! Malia looked beautiful in this dress that was handmade by her mother and incorporated a bunch of details and trimmings that were collected from all the women in her family and close friends. I thought it was such a creative project, and one she will certainly treasure.
This darling girl just turned 8 on May 1.
It was such a fun visit, and we were so lucky to be able to go, but the very next morning we had to rush back home for yet another important church ordinance...
Nolan's baby blessing!
We do not baptize babies at birth but this is similar to a christening. Babies are brought before the church and given a name and a blessing by a worthy priesthood holder - in this case, his father. He will also ask for a blessing on the baby for all the goals and hopes and milestones and challenges he'll meet throughout his life.
It was an exhausting weekend, but I wanted some family pictures after church, so we ran across the street to the temple.
[Photographer: Kate]
I totally plan to take pictures of just Nolan in his cute little outfit. Just like I planned to do with Troy in the same outfit. (Notice how you have not yet seen those pictures of Troy. Hm maybe I can still cram him in that little suit. Darn it.)
I actually lost that blessing outfit for a very long time and then miraculously found it that very morning. I quickly washed it twice and pseudo-ironed it. (That is a garment-care technique I made up myself.)
Mission accomplished.
Stay tuned for the next time I make him wear it!
No really.
4 sweet nothings:
Hi Krista! Apparently we're only talking to each other....NOT! I'm rarely the first one to leave a comment - everyone else usually beats me to it. Thanks for all the pictures and the post. Congratulations to Travis, Malia and Nolan! What happy events for all of you. I'm so glad you could be with Christina's family and that Mike and Michelle could be there too! Love you all.
I loved your post! Congrats for all of the wonderful things happening for your sweet family. I think we still need to celebrate.! I have to tell you that I really love your blog and am so impressed with the testimony you share at the same time. You are such a wonderful example to me in so many ways! With love, the varelas
Congratulations Travis and Krista on graduation! On to more adventures. I love the dailynolan pictures you post on Facebook! He is so cute, it ALMOST makes me want a baby boy!
Even though this happened a while ago I had to comment on this post because I am so proud of you guys and glad you're DONE. Right?? :) When we grow up we want to be just like you guys and be done with training. That will be a nice feeling. Someday...
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