Sunday, May 18, 2014

First Piano Recital!

Yesterday was BOTH of my girls' first piano recital!

A friend of mine who also teaches piano offered to let me combine my students with hers for a group recital. Since Kate takes lessons from another friend (we trade, her child for mine, and teach piano to each other's kids!) Kate played also. She was very first, out of more than 20 kids, so she was definitely nervous!

She forgot to introduce herself at first, and then she did so in a very soft whisper. That's what that whole beginning part was.
The second song she played was an original composition of her own.

I started teaching Brooklyn only three weeks ago, but she was willing so I had her play a little song as well! She was a little bit terrified, but she did a great job!

She said, "My name is Brooklyn Lundell and I will be playing the Three Little Pigs."
She made a mistake on the second line and never quite recovered. She reached the final note before she meant to, and then she froze. She was clearly stuck, so my friend and I at the back of the room took the liberty of starting the applause.

This was a little bit of restitution for Brooklyn, really, since we just figured out that her dance recital (for which she has been preparing for months) is at exactly the same time as Travis's graduation this week. She was devastated and cried for a couple of days before deciding to skip the recital and go to her daddy's last graduation. Since Kate's dance recital is going to be a big deal (a couple weeks later), and she had her first piano recital as well, we thought it might help if we let Brooklyn at least share the piano recital. Both girls did awesome!

0 sweet nothings: