Sunday, March 9, 2014

T-minus one week!

One more week until D-day, and I'll tell ya now I just can't WAIT to sleep again! I know, you think I'm delusional, but it's my fourth baby so just trust me on this one. See, trying to sleep while nine months pregnant is kind of a lost cause, and invariably I wake up more exhausted than when I went to bed. With a newborn, I don't mind getting up every two hours. Not at all! Because in between those midnight feedings is really REALLY good solid normal sleep! Totally better, I tell you. Right now I am so sore and achy and complain-y (it's a real word; trust me on this one) from just plain walking around all day, I can't even think about missing being pregnant (I always do) or the long road to recovery (it always is). I just get too excited to hold that tiny little baby all night long and smell his newborn skin smell and kiss his feathery little head!
 39 weeks

It says 41 inches
(I know you wanted to read it)

[Photography courtesy of Kate]

The other night when I went to bed, I found this note on my bed with a book.
  I love that my voracious little new reader shares my love for good books and will leave book recommendations for me!
 "Dear Mom,
You should read Verdi. It is a fun book. Verdi somehow doesn't want to be green and lazy, or boring. He wanted to keep his cool stripes. (They remind me of tenish-oes [tennis shoes] and dicks sporting goods.) I'll keep the end a secret.
Good luck! Injoy!!
love, Kate"

So cute. It is a fun book. Even if it is about a snake!

Meanwhile, we are slowly digging our way out of our sub-zero winter temperatures, which culminated in another snow day for the girls last week. We are all DONE with snow days.

But while the kids were playing outside (seriously, it reached a high of 14 degrees. So they went outside), I used my kitchen workshop to finish a long-overdue project!

I bought this dresser for Troy's room sometime last summer... It was a 1990s warm honey-colored oak, you know, with the little "antique" speckles all over, no hardware, and one drawer bottom broken. I had planned to refinish it, but it was so hot to work in the garage, and by the time it cooled off I was too sick (first trimester), and then finally by midwinter I decided I NEEDED the dresser, so I was forced to finish it in the most frigid part of winter. My own fault, but now it's done! Yay! Travis fixed the broken drawer in probably 10 minutes. I was pretty amazed! It would have taken me a couple days to figure out an attack plan, and then it probably would have turned out totally unusable. I'm useless with repairs. But at least I can wield a paintbrush, man! Here's the finished product, moved upstairs to Troy's room by my gracious and very strong neighbors:
[The sun was out]

 (Little B is trying to make a heart-shape with her arms)

And Daylight Saving Time did a number on me, so I'm going straight to bed.
What is that all about, anyway? Why do we do that? We all just decide that it's a different time than it actually is, in hopes that everyone will go to bed earlier and conserve energy? Is that the idea? So strange. I am not a fan.

0 sweet nothings: