Thursday, September 12, 2013

Why We Are Celebrating our Irish Heritage

I have been waiting YEARS for the day I can make this announcement! (Okay maybe not quite years, or at least not many years, but it feels like it!)

We've been dying to increase our workload beautiful array of children for quite some time now, but with Travis still in school, we've been rather maxed out. 
(This will be 8 years of graduate school. EIGHT. YEARS.)
But now that we're in the home stretch and the light at the end of the long, long, long tunnel is looming bigger and brighter, we finally felt ready to take the plunge.
Can I just summarize the excitement, insanity, exhilaration, and a little bit of sheer terror that has been the past couple of months?
No. No I can't.

Here's how it went down.
Travis started talking about the possibility of baby #4. Truthfully, we've really been feeling like things have settled down a lot lately and we have everything under control.
I said, "Yeah, I've been thinking lately that right now my life is really pretty easy.
And I'm thinking, we can't have that!!!"

True story.
Maybe I am a masochist that thrives on the stress and craziness and over-extension of a busy, packed-full life, but I prefer to think of it as enjoying the ride.
This wonderful article on mothering young children quoted the poet Mary Oliver:
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

That's exactly what we have built for ourselves here - a "wild and precious life".

This past summer I saw a beautiful painting of a hen gathering her chicks under her wings, obviously in reference to the scripture in Matthew 23:37:
"How often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings..."
I know how that little mother hen feels - I want to gather a little gaggle of cuddly little chicks under my wings.
Which can partially explain my hopeless addiction to babies!

Anyway, enough cheesiness.

On to the good stuff!
Like... the first pictures of my little munchkin!

I love this one where he's waving!
Officially due March 16, 2014
(I just say St. Patrick's Day because it's easy to remember!)
Besides, with my track record, the little imp probably won't make an appearance until, I don't know, April?

Meanwhile, please send chocolate.
The baby needs it. I swear!

9 sweet nothings:

Carlson Family said...

I noticed you said "...he..." - that's right, keep it positive!!! Fun times are ahead! I'm sure Ryan will think you should have this one about, say, 3 days early.

Unknown said...

I'm sure Mom will think you should have this one about, say, April. But not on 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, or 12. Pick carefully.

Charlotte Lundell said...

YAY!!! Christina and Kathryn have committed to getting pregnant when I'm ready for my first so hopefully we won't be far behind you. :) :) :) :) :) :) This is the best news ever! That would increase the Lundell grandchildren by... 44%!!!

Summer said...

Woo hoo!!! Super duper happy for you, Travis & the kids :D My favorite line of the whole post...Maybe I am a masochist that thrives on the stress and craziness and over-extension of a busy, packed-full life, but I prefer to think of it as enjoying the it! I also picked up on the "he" reference - is that wishful thinking?! Hope your pregnancy proceeds uneventfully :)

Unknown said...

yay congrats!!!!! so exciting!

Anie said...

SUPER exciting news!!!! Truthfully I've been waiting for this announcement for awhile! :) I loved this post!! I love you! We sure miss you guys!!! Can't wait to find out boy or girl!! You'll know next month right?! Madi keeps telling me that we need another boy- to keep it even of course! Anyway, CONGRATS to all of you! Yay for welcoming more craziness!! :)

Doreen said...

I was going to ask Travis if you were going to have your baby on a cool date and sure enough here you guys are St. Patrick's day (pretty much). That's a really awesome announcement picture! Excited for you guys!

Angie said...

Yay! You've definitely got the right attitude for bringing a fourth into the world. If anyone can do it and love it, it's you! Teach me how to do it and maybe someday I will dare, too. (Maybe not.)

Wendi said...

Such cute pictures! Congrats!! Bummer you don't just live around the beltway for me to come and snuggle your new little addition.