Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Back to School

These two little beauties went back to school today!
Well, Kate went back. Brooklyn officially started kindergarten!
She had been going to kindergarten summer school earlier in the summer, so I guess we can say she went "back" to school. I have to say summer school really did help me with the transition - mostly just the peace of mind that she will handle it just fine. She knows how to ride the bus, get her lunch, knows her way around school, and I learned that Kate walked her to her classroom every morning (as I'm sure she will continue to do). Wow, this was so much easier than the first time I sent Kate to kindergarten! (I was a wreck.)
Still, it's hard to watch them grow up so fast.
And then, of course, Troy is left at home with only me for entertainment.
He is having the time of his life, let me assure you.
Just kidding. Although we had fun shopping together today. Just the two of us. Life is so easy.

The obligatory front yard back-to-school photos were foiled by an overabundance of sunshine (though no one is complaining).
Kate couldn't even stand straight because it was too bright and she was about to sneeze.
But not quite.
Don't you hate that?

First day of SECOND GRADE:

Meanwhile, Brooklyn was terrified that her little sticker name tag was going to fall off, so she held it on.
I'm pretty sure she's going about her school day right now, still holding that name tag on the front of her dress!

First day of KINDERGARTEN!

I took them to school and walked them to their classrooms, not because Brooklyn was nervous but because Kate was! Actually, she wasn't too insistent that I go with her, but she asked several times and I could tell she really wanted me to. And anyway I wanted the pictures.

So that's it! Now more than half our family is officially in school. I miss them, but I'm not gonna lie - my house is pretty quiet! And I know they are having more fun there than they would with me.

And now for that nap...

1 sweet nothings:

Carlson Family said...

Congratulations on school starting. Fun times! Enjoy the quieter days... they get quieter and quieter (at least until the school bus brings them back - then it's noisier). :)