Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Last night we spent the evening with...
Truthfully I had no idea he was even coming through Liberty! I was all over that. Unfortunately I was not as prepared as some of my compatriots, who went all-out with face painting and t-shirts! We just showed up... But we were so glad we did!
Mitt Romney made a little stop along the campaign trail in OUR TOWN! How funny that I have to go far away from DC to get so close to celebrity politicians. He spoke for about half an hour on some of his top issues, and without getting into too much of the political stuff (I know some of you may not agree with me in the political realm and frankly I don't even want to go there right now) I'll just say he is a fabulous speaker - so warm and engaging, and definitely more handsome in real life!
Just saying.

My girls were so excited - we surprised Kate by pulling her out of school early, and I told her I was taking her to see the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!
She said, "REALLY???"
I said, "Well, not yet! Maybe. We'll see."
They were excited anyway.
[Kate goofing off]

The girls I went with were determined to end up on the evening news. And they did!!!
Those news cameras couldn't resist a crowd of moms waltzing in surrounded by a swarm of 40-50 kids! With painted faces!
Some of the kids made their own signs while we waited for Mitt to make his appearance. This was my favorite, made by my friend's son. Can you read it?
"MINT ROMNEY." HA HA!!! Adorable!
 My girls freaked out when they saw "princesses," and begged me to get a picture with them.

 This bluegrass band on the right kept the atmosphere lively, and helped us direct people to the quad (follow the music!)

 Travis managed to join us, and along with the unusual 80-DEGREE+ March weather, we had a fabulous day!

1 sweet nothings:

Erika said...

Glad to know you're supporting who I think you should be supporting. :) That would have been neat!