The day before the test, Travis took the day off from studying, work, everything! We went to an ultrasound appointment to see the little guy one last time before his real life appearance. He looks great and is measuring around 4 1/2 lbs. Everything appears to be normal. Here he is at 32 1/2 weeks:

Then we went to a matinee of Toy Story 3 - the first time we'd gone to a REAL movie-theater movie with the whole family. The girls loved it (except for Brooklyn, who told me halfway through she wanted to go home. In her defense, she ended up with a fever that evening, so clearly she wasn't feeling well.) and I think I single-handedly ate all the popcorn. After naps, we went swimming - ALL of us! The girls loved having Daddy come along.
The next morning Travis went off to take his test and the girls and I went to a morning piano lesson. This was a party for them since my two students have a younger sister Kate's age. The test ended and it was all celebrating from there! Travis said it went well. He thought it was comparable to the practice tests he'd done, and he felt pretty confident afterward. We went swimming AGAIN and then out to dinner. The girls love going to restaurants but ironically aren't that interested in the eating part. I'm the odd one out in a family of people who are just not interested in eating. It is so weird. And awkward, since I can out-eat all three of them combined without breaking a sweat. I will never understand that.
Our weekend of fun came to an abrupt halt, however, when our beloved Maverick's car battery died. We drove around all weekend squished in Travis's Neon like a clown car. It was awesome. Did I mention it overheats if you use the A/C on a hot day? Yeah. While I was waiting for a tow truck Monday morning, I pulled up my online credit card statement (we have banking & auto insurance with the same company) and discovered that some sneaky internet thief had gotten his sticky hands on my credit card number and gone on a little internet shopping spree. Right after I got off the phone straightening that out, our phone went dead. All day. We're just lucky the tow guy thought to honk his horn from the parking lot when he couldn't reach me by phone. What a mess.
That night after we had gotten the car home and purchased a new battery (disclaimer: I REALLY thought it was a bigger problem like the starter or alternator, which thank goodness it wasn't. I wouldn't normally request a tow for something as stupid as replacing a battery. I'm sure the tow/repair shop people do think I'm stupid), Travis went outside to switch the batteries. As he was finishing up and tightening the bolt on the positive terminal, he brought the wrench down and it hit the negative terminal, sending up an amazing fireworks display. I have no clue how he survived this without a shock. It made me really nervous to hear that report, though. He could have killed himself in he course of changing a battery! We're all just really grateful he's all right.
Um sorry that was such a boring post with no pictures. Oh wait, here's Brooke at the breakfast table this morning.
2 sweet nothings:
Wait, "What we did today" is...bad?
Hey I like reading up on your days. They make mine seem so much better :) jk
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