Thursday, December 10, 2009

Slow and steady wins the race

Slowly catching up...

How about Thanksgiving? That's pretty much where I left off. It's kind of too late for me to spatter the month with lengthy blog posts about the various things I'm thankful for, so let's just say I am thankful every day for a myriad of things and call it good.

Now, the dinner. Shauna hosted Thanksgiving dinner at her house, and we were joined by Christian & Steffie and their little boy Liam, and also Fred, all of whom Jeff knew from work. Everything was amazing. That's pretty much all I have to say.
The table
Our place settings had our names written on leaves - so clever!
The bird
The "kids' table"
Shauna even made a centerpiece and these darling place settings for the kids! It was so cute.
Everything went so smoothly and tasted amazing. I am proud to say that the only thing (food-wise) that I messed up was the box of Stove Top stuffing (go figure). Don't worry - I saved it without too much stress. WHEW!

We might add that Christian & Steffie just moved here from Germany, so this was their first real AMERICAN Thanksgiving. I will never forget the look on Steffie's face when Shauna put marshmallows in the yams (the ONLY way to cook them, right?) and she asked, "That's a dessert?" and we were like NOPE! It was awesome. I love Thanksgiving so much.

6 sweet nothings:

Wendi said...

I missed you guys this year.

Dan and Bec said...

Looks like you guys had a great time, and what fun decorations! By the way, Dan and I LOVE your new family blog header! You crack me up!

tylerandmommy said...

How fun! When family is not around it's great to have good friends you can share the holidays with.

Lis said...

How FUN! Im so glad youre catching up Krista! you know, not having a voice doesnt stop you from TYPING! hehe!

Shauna said...

I'm glad you are documenting our Thanksgiving activities since our camera was missing the whole day. I like that we have this tradition started of getting together for Thanksgiving. It's pretty cool that we just celebrated our 2nd annual Thanksgiving festivities.

Matt said...

Sounds like a fun Thanksgiving! We got together with friends too - I think it was 6 families, so a pretty big group.
I hope you guys have a very Merry Christmas!

(This is Marisa)