Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Is it Winter Yet?

We have a lot of updates to blog and have really been falling behind. But in the meantime, if you haven't already whipped out your Christmas music, kick off the season with this (whether you have snow or not!) I love these two. And something tells me somebody made them sing this traditionally "cheesy" song...

(No I mean it. Turn on your speakers. Hit play. Really. NOW. You'll be glad you did.)

3 sweet nothings:

Nat said...

Ha ha ha! That was great. Thanks for sharing! My most favorite Christmas songs are the ones sung by Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Bing Crosby, Perry Como, The Andrews Sisters etc... I love them!

Mary said...

I loved it! I have a great big grin on my face. They were having so much fun!

Travis and Jamie said...

I needed that smile! Jacob asked if they were "Presidents". :)