Sunday, December 20, 2009

Last-minute gift ideas?

So I have to blog about this because I was pretty proud of myself, since this is the first original idea I've ever had in my entire life. Every year I put together some sort of treat for my piano students (sometimes a big job, since there are 19). And by "put together," I mean tie a ribbon around a giant lollipop or something, which is what I've done in past years. This year I decided to deviate a bit, and I came up with these:
I just picked up 19 mugs at the dollar store (although later I found some cuter mugs at Michael's, also for $1, so pick those if you are going for mugs) and filled them with hot chocolate mix and a candy cane, which I dipped in chocolate and sprinkled with red and green nonpareils. (You are supposed to use the candy cane to stir the hot chocolate, and it makes it pepperminty and... extra-chocolate-y.) Easy peasy.

And here is my hint to pass along. If you dip candy canes, this is the best way to let them harden. I propped them against the edge of a wire rack and anchored them with spoons so the chocolate end is up in the air and not touching anything (hard to see in the picture).

Okay so if you're still trying to find a teacher/neighbor/co-worker gift for someone who is not anti-sugar during the holidays, there ya go. Feel free to steal it since, like I said, it is the first idea I've ever had by myself!

Though I know the REST OF YOU have done better, so feel free to share!!! Any last-minute gift ideas you like? Anyone? Anyone???

3 sweet nothings:

Carlson Family said...

That is such a cute idea, Krista! The spoons holding the candy canes up makes perfect sense.

I'm glad you had a snow day and were able to update your blog. Ryan was complaining last night that it hadn't been updated in awhile - David mentioned it too. Ryan is an avid reader here - don't know if you knew that.

I wish we were all together. Miss you!

Sterling said...

Love the idea. Unfortunately I'm poor right now. But fortunately, I don't need to do anything cool like that for anyone since I don't work. *sigh of relief* My visiting teacher threw together caramel and chocolate covered large pretzels. They're SO good. They're just large-ish pretzels, about the diameter of a tennis ball, and she dipped half of them in caramel, then covered that in chocolate (white, milk, and green-colored chocolate) it was good. She covered it with sprinkles as well and drizzled red chocolate across the entire thing. Beautiful and tasty! Such a good idea. For Halloween she also brought me a caramel and chocolate covered apples. WOW! So good!!!

Jue said...

that is cool, Krista! brilliant. You've just give me an idea to be given away on my delivery next month. maybe I'll make it a bit difference but still the same idea. hope I'm not so lazy to do it lol!