Sunday, December 20, 2009

Oh the weather outside is frightful... but the MALL is sure delightful!

That's right, after a record-breaking TWO FEET of snow fell on us yesterday, everyone was hunkered down at home (following a frantic mass toilet-paper-run at stores the night before, one of many Maryland phenomenons I shall never be able to explain), and the whole city looked deserted. This was all too tempting a sight for Travis and I, who have NEVER BEFORE seen empty streets on the Saturday before Christmas under any circumstances, and he had already made a test run to school that morning so we knew Maverick (our Pilot... get it?) could handle it! Um I just remembered we forgot to mention the new car. We just bought a Honda Pilot and we are in love with it in every way, not the least of which is the fact that we were NOT stuck in the snow yesterday! We loaded up the kids and drove straight to the mall, figuring this was our rare opportunity to do some shopping (AT THE MALL!) right before Christmas and not have to fight crowds! Maybe the girls could even see Santa, since they haven't at all this year so far! Here are a few snow pictures to set the scene:
Driving: Road? What road? Who needs roads?
Those things poking out of the snow are windshield wipers. When we first moved here we thought it was hilarious that everyone stuck their windshield wipers up when it was going to snow. Then we were like, "...Oh..."
So anyway, we got to the mall, and sure enough it was practically empty! Not only that, but half the stores were closed. The employees who were there were like, "...what are you doing here?"

Okay but here's the punchline. Guess who was NOT at the mall? That's right - SANTA! SANTA WAS SNOWED IN! We couldn't believe it. Whoever heard of such a ridiculous thing? Luckily the girls weren't too disappointed. Somehow they seemed to understand.

Anyway we had such a fun adventure out there all by ourselves in the snow! Plus, church was canceled today! Oh I mean, um, unfortunately, church was canceled today. Sad. (I swear I'm not anti-church. It's just always nice to have a snow day to relax. Right?) We've been sitting at home drinking our hot chocolate, watching Christmas movies, and I did a Christmas puzzle all by myself.


9 sweet nothings:

Unknown said...

Oh I wish I were there so sit and cuddle with your girls and read some Christmas stories to the while sipping hot chocolate. It sounds heavenly. Enjoy the Christmas season, sweetie! Love you.

Unknown said...

Hey, I'm not Ryan - I'm your mom!

Safire said...

For a second I thought you were talking about the Mall downtown! Sorry Santa was MIA but it's been nice to have a few days at home!

Keri said...

I can't belive santa got snowed in.

Lis said...

I AM KICKING MYSELF FOR MOVING. REALLY REALL REALLYYYYYYYYYY HARD. Enjoy that for me, WILL YOU??????? PLEASE??????????? Did you hear we'll be there 3 weeks this summer?

Unknown said...

Dale went out on Saturday in his truck and had the same experience. Everything was closed. He thought it was pretty cool to be driving around the ghost town, though!

tylerandmommy said...

Lucky you to have a car that will venture out. My stupid (uh I mean silly) Hyundai slides in the rain, so there was NO way I was going out. We stayed home and played in the snow and ate beef stew and homemade bread (post coming someday). I can't believe Santa was snowed IN (or OUT). He was there today and plenty busy...

Nat said...

I still don't get the windshield wiper thing.

A few weeks ago we got 15 inches of snow on a Sunday morning. That wasn't enough to cancel church. I'm not anti-church either, but the snow plows hadn't even gotten out yet! I guess that is one of the good things about living around a bunch of farmers. They all have plows for their trucks, tractors and fourwheelers. One of our neighbors was even out removing snow with his backhoe! Oh well. I guess it was a good opportunity for service. And church; even though the tractors had to dig all of us out of the parking lot when church was over.

huh. That was a really long comment. Sorry! Anyway, Merry Christmas!

Jue said...

Merry Christmas & happy holiday. May this season bring your family more joy & happiness ever.

still I wish there could be a cloud here in my place. maybe in my dream lol.