Sunday, September 13, 2009

Did you?

Sparing the details (I'm getting better at this), let's just say I had a morning from Hades, and I screamed like a banshee at a certain little member of my household (who shall remain nameless). And when Travis came home from his early-morning meetings to take us to church, I screamed at him too. Not his fault, or mine. He was just in the line of fire. And boy was I livid. Rather than getting defensive or feeling insulted, he took me in his arms gently and quietly asked me what was wrong.

The boy just knows me all too well.

So we finally got to church and I was trying to participate in the opening hymn (which was hard because I was a little hoarse from all the screaming - yes it was that bad) and we got to this line:

When your heart was filled with anger,
Did you think to pray?
Did you plead for grace, my brother,
That you might forgive another
Who had crossed your way?

I don't know whose idea it was to make this the opening hymn today, but I'd like to talk to that person who is indirectly responsible for ruining the eye make-up I so carefully applied in the car on the way to church.

Travis noticed and as always stepped in with a positive spin. He leaned over and whispered brightly, "This morning, while you were yelling at Gertrude [some names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent], I was thinking, 'Everyone needs a good yelling-at once in a while!' And I remembered my mom yelling at me when I was little, and I'm all the better for it!" I'm so glad he can take my side.

Even when we both know I'm wrong.

Then he made me giggle at the next line:
Oh, how praying rests the weary...

"That's you! Because sometimes you fall asleep while you're praying..."

I love him.

11 sweet nothings:

Summer said...

beautifully written and AMEN sister!

Andrew said...

I had Andrew read it, he said: "yes, that's very sweet."
Love your talent of storytelling.


Charlotte Lundell said...

(tears) ... and to think I used to identify him as "the mean brother" then again, Tim is rough competition in that catagory

tylerandmommy said...

Awww how cute. Thanks for the "everyone needs a good yelling" line cause sometimes I catch myself in the middle of it too. I hope your day is going better today!

Nat said...

I had a meltdown this weekend, too. I am glad I am not the only one. Oh, and how dare they have that as the opening song! The nerve! :)

Dan and Bec said...

I would have never guessed that you had had a tough morning by how cheery you (always) were in primary. Sorry it was a rough morning! Don't you just love it when the spirit helps to put us in our place again;) You've got a great, funny husband! His response made me laugh!

LiveLoveLaugh said...

I recently got hit over the head at church with a hymn as well. I'll tell you about it when I see you next!

Tammy said...

Great post! Love it!

jbel said...

wow, what a supporter! now that's the way to have your spouse's back.

Miriam Herm said...

i love that post. what a sweet man you married. i'm beyond impressed.

Doreen said...

Just want you guys to know the Gertschs miss you all!! I love Kate's quotes of the day sidebar.