When we were planning our trip to Utah, my first priority was to get us all there in the cheapest way possible. Not the shortest way, fastest way, or utilizing-the-fewest-modes-of-transportation way, but just plain cheapest way. Therein lies my first blunder. I won't go into the details of my thought processes while planning the trip, but suffice it to say that it required four airplanes to get there. Count 'em - 4.
Once I figured this out and started to foresee in my mind exactly how the trip would go, I experienced several different emotions. These included acute anxiety, severe dread, and a few OCD compulsions, but first and foremost was utter terror. So, with those expectations, I can happily report that the trip went surprisingly well.
Books, check.
Suitcase, check. (Pants are optional)
Cell phone, check.
Baby and blankie, check.
Backpack full of treats, check and check. (No really, I mean a very LARGE quantity of treats)
Double stroller for carrying luggage (of course not children), check.
Big helper to push aforementioned stroller, check.
An "I don't even care what happens today" attitude, CHECK.
(And the sleepy it's-way-too-early-to-be-awake faces to go with it!)
Here is airplane #3.
Did I mention yet how there were FOUR???
And to tell the truth, this is where it all went south.
Suitcase, check. (Pants are optional)
Big helper to push aforementioned stroller, check.
(And the sleepy it's-way-too-early-to-be-awake faces to go with it!)
Did I mention yet how there were FOUR???
And to tell the truth, this is where it all went south.
Airplane #3 took us from Colorado Springs to Denver. (No I'm not kidding. It takes less than an hour to drive that distance. Total flight time: 15 minutes.) Therefore the plane was not very big. I used to have a problem with motion sickness when I was little, but only in the car, and never on a plane! But for some reason, on Airplane #3 I started to feel a little woozy. I think because the ride was so bumpy and also it was loud! And yes, my friends, I did start to have fears that I must be pregnant (I'm not). At least it was a short flight! Those 15 minutes could not be over fast enough!
But unfortunately, the next flight was not any better, and we scarcely had 10 minutes in between. Going over those mountains between Denver and SLC can really take its toll out of a weak stomach. I was really getting suspicious until I heard some other passengers saying, "And I NEVER get sick on airplanes!" Then I decided it wasn't just me. It was so bad I squeezed my eyes shut and prayed that I wouldn't throw up, because what was I going to do with two kids on my lap? I couldn't even talk to them or even look at them. That's when Kate suddenly said, "Mommy my tummy hurts!" I opened my eyes and saw that her face was a grayish white; even her lips had no color. Uh oh. And I couldn't talk. I was like, "Just... hold on..." And we did. The next 15 minutes were agonizing but finally the plane landed. No one threw up.
So, thus ends our trip of four planes. (FOUR!) We arrived safely in the waiting arms of my family, and with plenty of time left to take pictures and enjoy my brother's last 24 hours of pre-missionary-....hood. More on that later when the trip continues!
But unfortunately, the next flight was not any better, and we scarcely had 10 minutes in between. Going over those mountains between Denver and SLC can really take its toll out of a weak stomach. I was really getting suspicious until I heard some other passengers saying, "And I NEVER get sick on airplanes!" Then I decided it wasn't just me. It was so bad I squeezed my eyes shut and prayed that I wouldn't throw up, because what was I going to do with two kids on my lap? I couldn't even talk to them or even look at them. That's when Kate suddenly said, "Mommy my tummy hurts!" I opened my eyes and saw that her face was a grayish white; even her lips had no color. Uh oh. And I couldn't talk. I was like, "Just... hold on..." And we did. The next 15 minutes were agonizing but finally the plane landed. No one threw up.
So, thus ends our trip of four planes. (FOUR!) We arrived safely in the waiting arms of my family, and with plenty of time left to take pictures and enjoy my brother's last 24 hours of pre-missionary-....hood. More on that later when the trip continues!
8 sweet nothings:
(Sorry, had a typo. Grrr.)
Wow. I am impressed that you didn't fall apart! I would have needed psychiatric help at the end of that pilgrimage. Or at least a 10-hour boon of grandma-facilitated alone time. :0)
So, in the end, was it worth saving the money? Would you do four planes again? Or would you throw thrift to the wind and buy yourself some ease and simplicity at a higher cost? :0) I know what I would do, but then thrift was never my strong point. Do you have to take four planes back, too?
Oh honey do I understand all too well! I am so glad you guys made it without throwing up! The things we put ourselves through to be with far away family! Glad to have you safely back! Tess has mentioned Kate about 50 times this week so we need to let the girls play together SOON!
First, you have to learn that with kids you HAVE to spend the extra money to NOT change planes so often! It's WORTH it! I would rather pay the extra $50 or even $100 if I don't have to get off the plane and so the trip is shorter. And next time you should force Travis to fly with you. Two kids on your own? You are brave/crazy/ambitious/nuts (you circle one). Anyhow, I am glad you made it back ok!!
I like the way you write. So entertaining. Keep the posts coming!
I would never go more than 2 flights with a child. There are limits to the madness. You're Alive!
You brave, brave soul.
I felt motion sickness the last 8 minutes of our flight from Phoenix to SLC in March. Those were the longest 8 minutes EVER! I thought I'd have a nervous breakdown (it didn't help that Carson was sitting in my lap and I was worried about puking on him) and then we landed. *Phew*
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