Yes we replaced the lens-less one and I am still learning how to use the newfangled little point-and-shoot which is apparently designed to do just that (and only that). I can't figure out how to change any of the settings like the old camera used to let me do. I have to say it was much fancier, but Travis liked that this one is tiny. Once I figure out how to successfully edit the pictures without all the "noise" that the whopping 10+ mp are cramming into each one, they will look much better. Maybe I should read the manual... And maybe I will try taking a picture of it. (The camera, not the manual.) You know, in the mirror or something.
2. BBQ at the Wheelers'
Our friend Andrew Wheeler recently graduated, so they invited us over for a BBQ to celebrate! This is all very mundane and irrelevant to you all, but I was proud of myself for bringing a camera, so here is a picture.
3. Memorial Day!
Unfortunately Travis was crazy busy and I was a little under-the-weather (not to mention the WEATHER was a little under-the-weather... breaking out in thunderstorms all afternoon!) so we did not get a chance to visit my Grandpa Morgan in Arlington this year. Instead we went to the ward picnic (without Travis) and I forgot my camera. But it was fun and Shauna blogged all about it if you're really interested! Um it was pretty much the same story for us that she wrote - just subtract Travis and replace Logan and Bella's names with Kate and Brooklyn, respectively. (Oh and my kids did not brave the moon bounce. I managed to get Kate inside, but she freaked out.) That's right, I'm the cop-out blogger.
Here is a picture of the year we DID go to Arlington! (umm... it was a long time ago.)
This was also a long time ago. Remember I gave you a preview? And then forgot to post the follow-up. To be fair, it's still not even done. There's a section of the kitchen (which was my job) that is still partly white, where I ran out of steam. Um I'll take some real pictures of the final effect later (feeling lazy today. Ever have those days?) BUT I did take pictures of the WORDS I put on the wall above the piano! That's right, we now have an official Mormon home, complete with vinyl letters on the wall! (I've been working hard to achieve this goal.) Vinyl lettering, check. Greg Olsen painting, check. Black-and-white, over-photoshopped pictures of my kids on each wall, check. Now if only I could learn to quilt an enormous throw with each temple on a square or something... Oh and figure out some kind of bee-themed display of Pres. Hinckley's 6 "Be"s.
Whoa. I got carried away. Back to my letters. I am proud of myself because (a) I know you can have these made or buy them pre-made or buy a machine to cut them yourself, all for a nice and hefty sum of money. Can you believe this all cost me under 5 bucks? Really considering the proportion of materials used, probably under $1. Did I mention I like to save money? And (b) it is from one of my favorites of Shakespeare's plays (A Midsummer Night's Dream), and music-related, so the piano fits in, right? (This is the wall above the piano. Did I say that already?)
5. I just thought this was funny.
I found Kate coloring in her favorite coloring book (the Minnie Mouse coloring book) the other day, with markers. (Don't worry, they were washable markers. I made sure that's all she could get her hands on.) Perhaps you remember using markers on a coloring book as a kid. They're just not as good as crayons. The colors are too dark and they bleed through the pressed-paper pages so you can't color the image on the other side. Of course every kid has to learn this for him- or herself. But Kate, always ready to think of a solution on her own, was not deterred by the disappointment of the marker/coloring-book situation.
(The tape was for taping the part of the page she ripped while washing it.)
Shauna did an awesome job of summarizing the impromptu sushi night we had last week! You can read about it here, since I don't have any pictures of my own and she did the telling better than I could anyway. I was in dire need of some sushi! Thanks, Shauna, for letting me plagiarize your blog! :) Eh heh...
8 sweet nothings:
Every time I see your vinyl lettering it still amazes me. Your talent is pure inspiration to me. Have you been in a funk lately or is it just me? I think this yucky rain is just killing my mood. Let's hope it improves soon, so we can hang out at the pool. Although even if it doesn't improve, I think you and your girls should come over and hang out sometime.
I love LOVE LOVE your quote!! It's amazing!
Way to GO- Krista the blogger!!!! YOur camera seems to be working out GREAT!!! It's always overwhelming learning a new piece of equipment when you're so used to the old one! I feel for you! I know I was overwhelmed for a good couple of weeks! Can I just say that I LOVE your vinyl lettering!! I really do need to get my home into Mormon standard (you totally had me laughing with your Mormon home checklist- probably because it's SO TRUE)!!!! No, but really- it looks GREAT right there above your piano. Sounds like you've had a busy couple of weeks. You forgot to mention your pool time though and the awesome sunburn that you got as a result!! :)
Kate is so ingenious to come up with that idea! So cute!
I LOVE your vinyl lettering. You will never cease to amaze me with all your talents!
i love love love the quote as well. i like how you changed the font for those few words--cute cute cute. now did you make it yourself or did you have someone do it for you? i need to find one of those machines...
anyways, congrats! and i want to see the paint job, we'll have to drop by ;o)
I want to go to Arlington. I don't know anyone buried there, but I still want to go. You are so lucky to be surrounded by so much history!
You have an awesome mom. Remember Fiddler on The Roof? She taught me the best way to deal with "mean girls." She said to "kill them with kindness." It is hard for the mean girls to me mean to you when you go out of your way to be nice to them.
And I love the marker solution! So funny!
I love your quote and can't believe you got it for so cheap - how? Did you make it yourself somehow? I'm clueless about these things. But it looks awesome over the piano.
And I think Kate must be a genius to think of washing her coloring page to start over. Brilliance!
I've got a cute little Be-themed (not bee, just be) ceramic tile that my mother in law made. I'll have to get you one. :) Oh, and there are now 9 "Be"s.
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