By the time we got to Trader Joe's (our last stop of 4), Kate had a melt-down. Not the tired whiny kind, but the full-blown screaming tantrum kind. This child was hopping mad. Literally. She was jumping up and down. I had to suppress a giggle because it was kind of cute and hilarious. But only kind of. Surprisingly, I didn't lose my cool. I stood outside the door and held her while she shrieked and kicked, and finally it was just too cold so we stepped inside, much to the chagrin/amusement/certain annoyance of the other customers. An employee rushed to bring us a handful of balloons and stickers. Several people muttered, "Good luck!" as they passed. One woman stopped and offered her help, though there was clearly nothing she could do. "I just remember those days!" she said. I told her this was a rite of passage for me, and added a martyred smile.
Eventually Kate calmed down (or wore out) enough to let me tie the balloons to her wrist and finish my shopping. As we got into the car, and were driving home, this song was playing on the radio:
[DISCLAIMER: I know, you're thinking, "Krista doesn't listen to country music! BLASPHEMY!" And normally I don't. But I still have some country stations on my presets from when I was pregnant. It was my little indulgence... yes I was a closet country fan. When I was pregnant, rare was the occasion when I hopped in my car and arrived at my destination without tears streaming down my cheeks. Pathetic I know. Darn country music.]
Anyway. I just had to smile and remember to enjoy this time no matter what. The hard times make the good times even better. And then, before we reached home, Brooklyn started screaming. Kate said sweetly, "Look, Blookyn, a balloon! Blookyn, want a sticker?" and then started singing a medley of every song she knows, "Chocolate milk, chocolate milk, give oh give away, how much is that dog...gie in the window? Ruff ruff!" (Because I told her once that her singing makes Brooklyn stop crying.) So sweet. She was on my side now - the tantrum calming side. Lesson learned.

Well my house is a wreck, Brooklyn is NOT napping, and I still have to cook dinner and teach 4 piano lessons tonight. So... I think I'll go make myself a cup of hot chocolate.
10 sweet nothings:
all too familiar days!! I had a sweet couple in KY offer to help, he loaded my groceries, pushed my cart to my van AND unloaded them. I was SO very grateful and cried all the way home. I don't think that I have every prayed so hard for someone I didn't know!
And NO bragging about your zoo! That is one spot we didn't make it to and regret. WE WILL have to come and visit! Will you still be there in a year or two when we can finally afford a vacation? :)
all too familiar days!! I had a sweet couple in KY offer to help, he loaded my groceries, pushed my cart to my van AND unloaded them. I was SO very grateful and cried all the way home. I don't think that I have every prayed so hard for someone I didn't know!
And NO bragging about your zoo! That is one spot we didn't make it to and regret. WE WILL have to come and visit! Will you still be there in a year or two when we can finally afford a vacation? :)
First of all, I am so jealous that you even have a trader joe's close by. I miss that store like none other. It was my lifesaver in California. Also, I hate to say it but it comforts me to know that your house is a mess! And your responses on my blog post were also... AWESOME. Have a good night!!!
Well, my dear, I've been there, too. Actually, I'm still there, but with experience. :) I love both the song and the saying on the grocery bag. I hope you made it through dinner and piano alive!
Hmm... I guess that day will come sometime for me. I hope you got through the evening okay. You are amazing, Krista - I don't know how you do all you do!! I love that song - it had me in tears, though, feeling bad for not enjoying all the precious moments. So, I am resolved to do better.
And, the pictures make me miss Trader Joe's sooooo much!!!! I grew up with it, went without it for 7 long years in Utah, was super excited to have it again in Maryland (Matt says I was beyond ecstatic, seriously), and now am without it again for 4 years!! Oh, life is so hard!! lol
Im sorry! but thats so cute about Kate helping with Brooklyn!!! Awwww!
I loved this post! It's so great to hear about you wanting to giggle at Kate's tantrum, and how quickly you saw to appreciate the moment. What an inspiration!
YOu crack me up!!! I LOVE your attitude about it all! Man, if only I had known what kind of day you had had before I called yesterday..... SORRY! I bet my asking if you wanted to go to the coupon club thing was the LAST thing on earth that you wanted to do! Hopefully you did have your cup of hot chocolate and were actually able to relax last night!! You are seriously one busy mom!!! i don't know how you do it all! Hats off to you!! :)
For the times you DON'T keep your cool, just remember the good news and the bad news:
the good news - she'll grow up
the bad news - she'll grow up
OH Kate's talking makes me look forward to Hunter talking someday. Oh that will be the day when I can blog about the cute things he says. Right now all I can do is blog about the cute actions he does...someday, someday. Love this post.
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