Here is the sight that met me when I stepped outside this morning:

Dum...da-dum, dum... Yep it looks like a mystery in the making! One that will not go unsolved OR unretaliated! (Yes I made that word up.) Apparently my car was targetted as the victim of a random assault... or was random really the right term...? Hmm... Ironically, this is the car we were planning to take into the shop this morning, again (it doesn't always start on the first try... or the second... or sometimes the 15th.) so this would be the perfect send-off in case he doesn't come back alive! At least he went out with a big hurrah!!!

The balloon on this side says, "HAPPY FALL!" The other one says, "LET THE GAMES BEGIN!" And so they shall... Oh I do love a good prank!!!

And here he is, all cleaned up and ready to go to the shop! Yes that is a random water bottle perched on top. (?) GOOD LUCK LITTLE CAR! Please come back alive and don't cost us too much!

SOOO.... if anyone out there has amateur detective skills they would like to apply to solving this mystery, let me know and we will get to work!
AND if the sneaky assailant is out there reading... you better WATCH YOUR BACK!!! You have awakened the sleeping giant! Heh heh heh... LET THE GAMES BEGIN!
19 sweet nothings:
haha! I want to play too! ANIE GOT ATTACKED LAST NIGHT TOO!!!! I WONDER WHO IT IS!!!!!!! AHHHHH!
Okay you need to talk to anie! I told her you got it too! I want to help with the REVENGE!!!!!!!!!
I think Lis is looking pretty suspicious! What a funny thing. Let me know if you find anything out, and take pictures of the revenge if you ever do anything!
Oh there will definitely be pictures. That is all I have to say.
HEY! I already told anie i think it was YOU laura!!!! You would do something like that! DONT LOOK AT ME JUST BECAUSE I LIVE CLOSER! WHO ELSE KNOWS ANIE ANNNND KRISTA!!!! YOURE FRAMING ME!
Haha! It was definitely not me! A lot of people know both of them. I can't wait to find out who the sneaky FHE-er was. We usually just leave cookies on people's doorsteps and run. Nothing like car TP-ing!
Say what you will Laura, say what you will. Im a pretty good detective you know...
Yes!!! Let the Games Begin!!!!! :) I'll have to post the surprise I woke up to this morning- at 6:30am on our way out the door to the White House! WERID!!! So I guess it's either someone who KNOWS both of us, or someone who LIVES close to us!!!?!??! Funny thing is we had it done to us a week ago too! I was sure it was just someone who had the wrong house. No one I know would have the time for these sort of wise cracks!! :) Hmmmm......I guess I better think again!! Let me type up what happened to us with the pictures- let me know what you think. Then let the detective work begin!!!
It was laura.
Its like the old saying... he who smelt it, dealt it. Well SHE was the first to point fingers. SHE did it!
Too busy. psshhh. NICE COVER! I just want to know WHO was in on it with her. She wouldnt have acted ALONE. Lisa Talbert? They were hanging out yesterday. She doesnt seem the type. OoOo! shes pretty good friends with Becky!!! I could see Laura and Becky doing that. SEE? Look at me! Mystery solved! LETS PAY THEM BACK!!!!
I want to help! I say we tinfoil her car in!!!
Its like the old saying... he who smelt it, dealt it. Well SHE was the first to point fingers. SHE did it!
Too busy. psshhh. NICE COVER! I just want to know WHO was in on it with her. She wouldnt have acted ALONE. Lisa Talbert? They were hanging out yesterday. She doesnt seem the type. OoOo! shes pretty good friends with Becky!!! I could see Laura and Becky doing that. SEE? Look at me! Mystery solved! LETS PAY THEM BACK!!!!
I want to help! I say we tinfoil her car in!!!
Its double comment day. Didnt you know?
You are SO bad, Melissa!!! It was NOT me, I swear. I'm probably next now.
I'm cracking up and the pics and at the commenting's probably some sneaky teenagers and you adults are all pointing fingers. Nice work though to whom ever did it!!
Hello!! Thanks so much for casting your vote!! I sent in the picture TODAY!! We'll see how it goes. So Curtis and I were just seeing what you guys were up to and WOW!!!! Looks like you're having SUCH A BLAST! Hope your revenge is sweet. So we had a little extra laugh at the toaster post. Our Wedding Toaster just toasted (or FRIED) it's last toast. We've only been married 3.5 years though so we didn't even get the full 4.2 out of it - we were gipped. Anyway keep having fun and writting such FUN posts!
Well, I would blame myself & Tara, only we're far, far away. Therefore, I think it could be WENDI, the only crewie within distance of doing such a deed. (It sounds like something we all did in high school, after all.)
I like your friend Lis, by the way.
How do you tin foil a car? All I have to say is y'all need a garage!
ok, I cannot believe with Lis and Annie in YWs you guys haven't guessed the most obvious group!
Ooh, I'm SO jealous that you still get to participate in prank wars! It's been far too long since I've been involved in one of those. Fun fun!
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