We went to the Mall of course and got SOAKED! That bag of caramel popcorn I insisted on making came in handy after all!
But of course it has to be the best place to be on the 4th of July... or at least the most appropriate. Maybe not necessarily the "best."
We took the Metro and were EXHAUSTED. My parents took full advantage of the long late-night ride home...
Oops I forgot THIS PICTURE of course! I got tired of trying to get decent pictures of fireworks and decided to just watch them instead!
5 sweet nothings:
GO KRISTA! GETCHUR POST ON! 3 IN ONE DAAAY! GO KRISTA! Its nice to see your 4th pix! Especially because you were like RIGHT THERE! I could smell your popcorn... i just couldnt quite reach it! AH! Okay... i think youve helped me decide to read the books... prepare... IM OBSESSIVE!!!!! AHHH!
PS... you look NOTHING like your mom! Crazy!
Yeah--the rain this July has been a little obnoxious, but at least you still had lots of fun!
I disagree with the first comment. I think you have your mom's eyes, mouth & face shape. Your noses are totally different, though. Erica inherited that, I think. Just my opinion. :)
HA HA! I think Natalie is the most right, but still wrong! I did inherit my mom's nose (not Erika) which is also my grandma's nose, but thanks to the magic of plastic surgery, I now have the only remaining original nose of this version! They are totally different because my mom broke hers in a car accident and had it totally reconstructed, then my grandma was so impressed by the results she had hers done too! It's tragic really that I'm stuck with this lovely gargantuan nose all by myself...
Your mom is SO CUTE!!! Ya, you totally look like her!! Whatever about your nose- you've got a great nose!! It was fun to see pictures of your family and get an update on their stay. That's nice that they were able to come and visit! I bet you and Travis were in heaven with all the help and company!
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