Monday, January 28, 2008


My apologies to anyone who's tried to catch Lundell updates lately and been sorely disappointed. We got tired of blogging for a while and had to take a break (i.e. we got lazy.) Here's a sampling of Christmas...

Our stockings were hung by the thermostat with care...

Kate in Toyland

Travis with his microscope... (which he bought for himself for Christmas)
And his gingerbread BYU football player... This is the one (#55) who blocked the field goal that would have taken the game... BYU VICTORY!

1 sweet nothings:

Lis said...

HOLY POSTINGS!!!!!!!!!! YEY! MORE PICTURES!!! You guys are so fun why on earth do we not hang out more??? Do you think im strange?? Whats your WII # BTW???