Thursday, December 13, 2007

Thus begins the era of crayon-scrubbing

I think a picture is worth a thousand words.
And in her defense, in these pictures she is saying "No, no!" and trying to scrub the wall with a sponge letter. An N, in fact. At least she's pretending to be on my side. Fortunately for me, this is the very wall I was planning to paint!

So with a beleaguered sigh I am resigning myself to the long long long road ahead of scrubbing crayon off the walls. And if any of you moms need tips on how to do so, I am now an expert. I think I will publish a book: 101 Ways to Remove Crayon from Walls, Clothing, Favorite Toys, and Other Surfaces.

I know what you're thinking... don't I supervise my child??? Yeah well now you know why I don't blog!

6 sweet nothings:

Kari said...

Oh no! Hey did you know they make special washable crayons? They wash off really easy :) We've had one too many experiences like this one too. One time Parker got a ball point pen and colored in all the squares on our linoleam in the kitchen. I'm still trying to get it all out!

Tara said...

no!!! don't use the washable crayons!!! something is wrong with those things. yes, it washes out, but it gets all over EVERYTHING!!! skin! clothes! carpet! you name it. i would much rather have the normal crayons that don't get all over the place...oh, and rubbing alcohol works wonders for ink, only be careful b/c it will take off paint too...

The Pickled Red Herring said...

Okay girls I actually HAVE washable crayons... problem is that's not what she happened to have in her hands at the time! (My first reaction was not to run over and check the label for washability...) I don't recall having bad experiences with washable crayons actually - maybe because she favors the non-washable kind. But it's okay - HGTV says to use toothpaste and a sponge, but I got impatient and whipped out the Comet (Travis told me it worked once before). Also I haven't tried the alcohol on the ballpoint pen ink on our linoleum (hm, is this a trend among kids? Same problem at our house) but I did get most of it off with SoftScrub.

Becky said...

MR. Clean magic eraser!!!
I can honstly say my kids have NEVER written on the walls..YET!!! They've done a lot of other things and at least you can laugh about it later and none of it is life threatening!!
Your blog is cute, did my sister do the background for you??

Lis said...

Yes Mr clean does it for me... but like my walls are FLAT paint... Mr clean takes the paint with him on flat walls! Do dont try that. Im so GLAD I FOUND YOUR BLOG!!!!!!! Holy cow! I may never EVER have known it had my sister not said something! Your pictures are so cute. I wish i could have gone to the temple that night. Its so pretty. Ive never been. NEXT YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!

Lis said...

OKAY! you are officially LINKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE REAL YOU!!! i have enjoyed kate hitting the ale over the last 5 months though!