Friday, November 9, 2007

Our move!

Kate got tired of helping... we found her sitting by the door next to the only thing we'd left unpacked - a bag of animal crackers for her to eat (okay, and the cereal box she was carrying around and the weights we used as a doorstop...) She'd kicked off a shoe and was munching away happily!

Here I am looking HOT after a full day of packing and moving, ready to tackle the oven (or at least act like it until Travis took over). Mostly I like how I look like a packing cowgirl with a Sharpie in my pocket...

By the way, this is all our old apartment as we were cleaning and moving out. Kate did end up helping - there is a video of her "cleaning" posted on the right!

1 sweet nothings:

Lauren said...

Looks like you guys have been busy! I too think you are a hot Sharpe toting oven cleaning gal! And I love Kate's little denim outfit...