Sunday, November 11, 2007

Halloween (FINALLY!) - a schmorgisborg ...(?)

On Halloween night, we DID go out, so Kate could at least wear her costume. Here she's sitting in front of a giant pumpkin at our town center's Halloween fest.

That weekend we went to a REAL Halloween party hosted by Anie and Melissa. (Thanks guys for letting us crash your party in our moving clothes! No costumes even!) Fortunately, everyone else was dressed to the nines, and we have a few pictures of the spooky entourage...

The spread was to DIE for... And below we have a few costumed partiers in their true characters - a pirate and a student! First on parade: a vampire and a skunk!

Next came a spooky witch and a ferocious pirate!

The judges carefully watched the spectacle... Even Baby Lexi was intrigued!

Sadly, Kate was uncostumed (everything was packed!) but she had fun anyway and especially enjoyed the Halloween treats!

0 sweet nothings: