Thursday, August 18, 2016

Back to School

Last night we had our traditional Back to School Feast!

I moved the dining room table to the patio, and let me tell you that thing is ridiculously heavy! I had Brooklyn and Troy help me, but I barely escaped with my fingers and back intact. I have not had it all together lately (understatement of the year), so I'll admit I was discouraged by the prospect of pulling this off. I just knew I'd have these great intentions that would turn into a thrown-together failed attempt. So I rallied my remaining energy and decided to fight my negative expectations! Of course I'm far below the pinterest standard, but the kids were happy!

My other motive behind getting that table on the patio was this:
The dining set is only about 4 1/2 years old, but it definitely shows the daily wear it stands up to. Time for a refinish!
(My triceps are tired and I had to go cook dinner again today - why is that a recurring event? - so I didn't get very far!)

In other news...
My kids went back to school today!

Troy started KINDERGARTEN!

Brooklyn is in THIRD GRADE!

And wait for it....
Kate is in FIFTH GRADE!

I know.

Last night was madness. I stayed up sharpening 40 pencils, making crepe batter for the morning, and folding laundry so I could find the white tank tops the girls needed for their outfits. As is our tradition, Travis gave the kids blessings, and I'm pretty sure I started to doze off during Troy's. My pencil sharpener gave out during pencil 36, at which point I was beside myself and emailed the pencil sharpener company, only to feel mortified an hour later when it cooled off and was working again. This morning I was up at 5:30 for my morning swim (triathlon training - 3 days to go!) and after showering and making crepes and taking the puppy out 4-5 times because she wanted to play instead of go potty, we barely made it to school on time. I held it together pretty well, but as soon as we left I met up with my friend who was dropping off her first kindergartner, and we were not doing well! I can't explain it. I wasn't taking my baby to school. This was not my first time sending a new kindergartner. This was not even my second time! Why doesn't this ever get any easier??

Last night I read an article written by a new empty-nester, about how hard it was to watch her youngest daughter go off to college and how small she looked, but trying to be positive and talking about how much fun she and her husband had now that they didn't have to be the "parents" all the time. All I really heard was "my kids grew up and left home." I told Travis about it, and he laughed and said, "Empty-nesters - You're a long way from that!" and I said, "I'm not, though! That's exactly it!" And then he thought about it and agreed with me. Kate is already more than halfway through the time she will spend at home. 8 more years. That's all we have left with her! Nolan will start school in three years. And then what will I do with myself?? I'm having an identity crisis, watching my role and purpose as "mom" fade into uselessness as my kids grow up.

But on the other hand, let's not pretend that I'm not thoroughly enjoying the freedom of having my older children occupied and enjoying themselves while Nolan and I (and the puppy) have the house to ourselves! I'd given up on getting any real, deep housework done during summer and just postponed it until school started. Consequently my house looks like a hoarder's, and it's starting to give me nightmares. Today I cleaned out a kitchen junk drawer (the tiny one), meaning I emptied it out and didn't put anything away. But I found $20!

Then I was tired so I took a two-hour nap. Baby steps.

I DID have warm chocolate chip cookies waiting when my kids finally came home, at a ridiculous 5 pm. Because I'm always up for any excuse to eat cookies!

0 sweet nothings: