We went to the store this morning, early, while we were all still fresh and presumably in a good mood, but Nolan decided at random to throw a gargantuan tantrum over absolutely nothing at all. Seriously, I literally have no idea why he was so upset. He snatched my glasses off my face and hurled them across the aisle. So then I was incapacitated by a tantruming toddler and completely blind to boot. My fellow shoppers gathered around to spectate. Even when I eventually calmed him down and brought him home (yes, in that order. I'd love to have the freedom to be able to drop everything and leave the store the second my toddler starts throwing a fit, as many parenting books are quick to suggest, but let's be real for a second here. I am not shopping with small children for my health. Or for a fun little outing. I am shopping with toddlers because I NEED cereal and baby wipes, like, yesterday, and no tantruming child will stop me, so help me!!!) he still cycled back to the tantrum repeatedly throughout the day. All day long. Again with no apparent cause - well, although the times when I refused to let him tear the library books or give him a third cookie definitely served as tipping points! Here is nearly a full minute of one of his tantrums today for your viewing pleasure. (Make sure to hit MUTE.)
3 years ago
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