Sunday, December 27, 2015

Christmas Recovery

'Twas two days after Christmas, and all through the house,
We each lounged about like a lazy old louse.
The stockings were empty, the tree skirt was bare,
The cookies were eaten with no crumb to spare.

The presents were scattered on floors and on beds,
With ribbons and packaging torn up to shreds.
And I, with a new fuzzy throw on my lap,
Had just snuggled into the couch for a nap.

But the toys and piano and kids made a clatter,
And left me as frazzled as Carroll's mad hatter.
My temper was rising, as quick as a flash,
And my glare, it could wither a pine tree to ash.

I reflected a moment, before shouting, "NO!"
On why I was stressed out and feeling so low.
This month has been one of the kind mommies fear,
With too much on my plate as Christmas draws near.

So I picked up my outlook, so lively and quick,
And listed the good times we've had - take your pick!
We painted our ornaments - no two the same,
Although our designs sometimes turn out quite lame.

The cookies! The garlands! The gingerbread building!
The tree hunting, music, and candy cane wielding!
Our gingerbread house was as big as a mall,
And our nativity was the best one of all!

It seemed as though angels were singing on high,
As we looked at the full Christmas moon in the sky.
We took a small break from the Christmas ado
To renew our faith in the meaning so true.

This Christmas, indeed, we surely were blessed,
But my poetry, now, I fear does need a rest.
I'll leave you this message and turn out the light:

1 sweet nothings:

Carlson Family said...

Wonderful! It felt like I was there. Thanks for posting. Did you write the poem? I can't decide. You should have the author's name on it - especially if it's yours, so you can get credit when people start sharing it! I've been looking for my reindeer antlers the last couple of years and have now found them. Thanks. I loved it all! Thank you. Love you.