This is the only photo before my phone died...
Friday night we went camping with our ward at Smithville Lake. It was beautiful when we arrived, but SO SO SO hot! The three big kids stayed up watching a movie someone had brought on a large projector screen, and Travis and I hit the tent to put Nolan to bed.
You can see how well that's going.
They all stayed up unimaginably late... And of course, since we were camping, we all tossed and turned all night.
Around 6 am we were awakened by a loud crash of thunder. Travis and I just looked at each other.
Then without a word we slipped out of the tent to strap down the rain cover we'd thrown off the night before to try to let in some cooler air! Then we crawled back in the tent and went back to sleep!
It lightning-ed and thundered all morning, and we finally gave up waiting it out. We packed up our campsite, threw it in the car, and went home! It turns out the big breakfast that was planned ended up being canceled anyway. Oh well, better luck next camping trip!
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