On Friday night we needed to have some fun, so we went bowling, of course!
On our way into the bowling alley, we ran into some friends of ours! Brooklyn's little friend shares her birthday - yep, these little gals are exactly the same age! We do not really have the height advantage in our family.
After an embarrassing round of bowling (for me... although there was a strike in there somewhere!) - in which Travis won and Troy took second place, we wanted pizza. We had been wanting to try this new pizza place that just opened up across the street. As we ran from the car through the pouring rain, my phone made some sort of sound. I looked down to find a tornado warning alert on the screen. Um... shouldn't we be worried? The waitress calmly seated us and everyone else in the restaurant seemed unconcerned.
"Seek shelter now!" said my phone.
I asked the waitress what their tornado "policy" was. She was a teen, and like I said, the restaurant had only been open for a couple of weeks. She just looked at me wide-eyed and said she was terrified of tornadoes. We sat in a comfy booth beside the full-length windows, fully showcasing the ominous sky.
"Um... at least we'll see it coming?" Travis said.
We never heard sirens (though I learned later they were going off everywhere else - and the friends we had left at the bowling alley ended up in the bowling alley basement!) We ate our pizza very quickly and noticed that the restaurant was emptying as we left! No tornado damage ensued. So, all in all, a win for a fun night!
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