Well, we did it. We moved. We left our charming little BBQ-filled life in Kansas City and moved to the great metropolis of Springfield, Missouri. First and foremost, it was super awesome having a moving company do all the work for us. I was reflecting on how remarkably easy this move was compared to our others, and then I remembered that I hadn't actually yet picked up a single box. Those poor packers who showed up (all two of 'em) and spent two days packing our house (one guy did the entire basement single-handedly) were, I'm afraid, a little underprepared for the monstrous task. When we all sat down for lunch the first day, they were like, "WHEW I forget how hard this is on my back..." and I was like, "Well, I guess I'll just go upstairs and take another nap..." ha ha! Kidding... well, not really, but I didn't say that out loud, I mean. I believe the word "nightmare" was how Basement Packer put it. We had a great send-off from our dear friends, the particulars of which I will blog about extensively later, cleaned the house, attended a wedding, went to church one last time, and then drove to Springfield that evening. I will say that even considering how little work I actually did, the whole moving and unpacking (and cleaning) process is still pretty exhausting. You will notice the common motif of sleep throughout these pictures. And unpacking. And more sleep.
So several weeks before, we had come down and chosen a house to rent. We were choosing from a pool of very slim pickings, mind you, and by the end of our trip were so exhausted that we snapped up the first 3-bdrm house at the low end of our price range that popped up. We went to see it and signed the lease within a few hours of our landlord closing on the purchase. We didn't survey the condition of the house so much as the size and layout of the space (tiny, by the way), but it didn't occur to us that this would be an issue since our move-in date was still about a month away.
Well. We pulled in late Sunday night. Travis opened the garage door and was greeted by a gigantic spider the size of his hand. I kid you not, this is the largest spider I have ever seen outside of the zoo. Travis bravely killed it with a pool noodle. We might have guessed that this was a bad omen... We walked inside, and the entire house was a complete disaster. The landlord had not set foot in the house since he'd brought us to see it that day. It hadn't been touched and was full of dirt, grime, dust, mold, random furniture, insects, etc. The toilets had not even been cleaned. Really? That's the bare minimum, I would say! One even had something growing in it. The carpets were somewhat crispy (our landlord told us later they had just been shampooed. Um...? Very doubtful) - they were edged with black. At one point Kate knocked a plastic knife off the countertop, and it didn't even hit the floor, because it was caught in a cobweb. I kind of panicked, and we texted the landlord in a frenzy, since our movers were arriving in the morning to unload our things. In the morning, our landlord hurried over to see what was wrong while I took the kids to find some breakfast. Apparently his standards of acceptable living conditions and ours are somewhat different, and the short story is he and Travis got in a heated argument that I'm glad to have missed. In the end we were left to do the cleaning ourselves. The beginning condition was very carefully documented, but I'll spare you those pictures because you are probably eating breakfast. Okay, here's a mild one.
One week later - I finally took off my flip flops for the first time in a week! The floors were that disgusting. I got about halfway through scrubbing the grout on all the tile floors. That is back-breaking work, but a billion times better. The kitchen is clean and entirely unpacked and organized. And that was my week. No other unpacking has been achieved, on my part, though Travis has made a lot of great progress. For me, I still haven't found my shirts. And yes, that means I've been wearing the same clothes I packed for the weekend before the movers came. (Don't worry, I've washed them!)
Also yesterday, we took a much-needed break and took the kids to the farm park. Those poor little ones - they've been bored to tears all week.
I want to remember this. I walked over to watch him go down the "yellow slide" (not the "red" slide because the red one shocked him), and some parents sitting there commented to me that he was "so polite." They said he climbed up to the top of the slide where their son was sitting, and he said, "Excuse me, boy," when he wanted to get around him to go down the slide. Ha! "Excuse me, boy!" At least he's using his manners!
At least we have a playground in the backyard. Oh, and with plenty of wildlife! Someone has released a couple of domesticated bunnies, and they hang out in the neighborhood. One has adopted our backyard. I even saw it befriending one of the local wild bunnies the other day.
Although this scary other animal - groundhog, maybe? - tried to chase it off! It was getting territorial.
Seriously, they are everywhere. One even crawled on Kate as she went sifting through a pile of clean laundry. I try to be pretty tolerant, but I toe the line when they threaten my children! *shudder* This specimen is a hobo spider. Only slightly poisonous. Not fatal.
And finally, we come to the reason we are here.
Every year, around this time, I take the traditional "first day of school" pictures.
I have far more of these pictures of Travis than I do of all the kids, combined!
He likes to go to school.
WELL, last year I took pictures of Travis's LAST first day of school. It was a big day. It was the 8th year of graduate school for him. That is 8 back-to-school pictures in our married lifetime.
On Friday I took one more, but this time it is the First Day of Work picture!
This is the first time he has actually had a job since we started having kids. Which was 8 years ago, if I didn't mention that already. I'm just trying to give you a sense of the magnitude of this day.
Are you feeling it?
I can't even begin to put into words how grateful I am for the end of the most trying years of our lives and for the new opportunities ahead. Most of all, for all the time we'll have to spend together now and for the end of that awful year of long-distance rotations away from home! That far-off, elusive, proverbial light at the end of the tunnel is finally here!!!
Perhaps a moment of silence for the demise of our student years.
Rest in peace, you old glory days!
9 sweet nothings:
Tortures me to see pictures of Nolan and not be able to pick him up and smell his head! To squish his little face with kisses! ...at least I got to see him in March. :)
I loved the post! RIP Travis's school years - on to the next generation! (My those four children's school years be as fulfilling as their Dad's were.) I can't wait to visit you in your new place! And I'll help you a bit - if there's any work left to do! :)
Ugh, ugh, ugh about the house, but HUGE congratulations about moving on to the real world. Can't wait to join you next year. :)
Girlie loved all your pictures and is insanely jealous about your "pet" bunny. Then she reminded me that you haven't given us your address. ;)
You sweet sweet woman!!! I can't believe your landlord. I hope you didn't have to give him a deposit. :) What he did to you would never fly in Mont. County! I love your upbeat attitude. AND I am so happy your ward is loving on you. AND you have such amazing neighbors. You deserve all the very best happiness. Your kids are simply too grown up.
Worst move ever!! Definitely need some pest control. I can handle a spider here and there, but a full on invasion?! Love how you find the silver lining.
You brought tears to my eyes Krista! I'm so happy for you and Travis... for the work and no more school thing, not the house! Wow, you are one tough woman. And your family reminds me so much of my own... wish we were close and could play together often. We love you guys. But I'm so glad your new ward is taking care of you!
Okay, I laughed and shuddered simultaneously reading about the plastic fork falling and landing in a spider web. That is crazy! I'm sorry you walked into such a load of work. At least you had movers on the other end of things! We had movers our first time moving, and I remember loving just sitting there, documenting things on my point and shoot video, sipping lemonade, while the movers did all the hard work. Ha! That's the life. Those were the glory days. Eight addresses in ten years, and we've only had movers once. Sad.
Sick. I can't believe what you guys have had to go through with this "new" place!! Your the best thing that's ever happened to this landlord though. Holy cow. I'm glad your ward and neighbors are nice!! We are so happy for you guys and Travis's JOB! Matt and I can't wait for Matt's REAL job to start after all if this schooling and training jazz. Hunter will be 10 by the time we are done with residency and get a job. And that's only if we decide NOT todo a fellowship (more training!!).
For some reason it wouldn't let me type anymore so I'll have to make a second post... We love you guys and hope you LOVE being at this new, first job.
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