Sunday, October 6, 2013

Conference weekend and other good stuff, or what we've been eating

Last week was "Spirit Week" at the girls' school.
Here they are on "crazy hair day":

 And here are my cowgirls getting ready to go out the door:
(Um... I think they called this one "Western Wear Day" or something like that? It was later in the week when I think they were running out of ideas, and everyone was starting to run a little low on spirit.)

Hm, what else have we been doing?
Oh yes, eating!
Lots and lots of eating.
That is just what happens when I'm pregnant. In the second trimester, anyway. :)
Last week I was dying for pretzels. Mostly of the Amish variety we used to get at a Dutch market in Maryland on weekends (okay to be politically correct, I think they were Mennonites). AMAZING! But I figured it couldn't be too hard to make them at home, right? So I tried. They were sufficiently delicious. Not quite Mennonite, but they did the job in a pinch. [Recipe here]

Oh and let's not forget today's relentless noshing!
Inexcusable, really. And I mean that. Even for a pregnant chick.
 Today we sat around all day watching our church's General Conference, so of course we had to have treats.
 My wonderful friend Megan introduced me to these cinnamon rolls at rather bad timing, I must say. We had just finished a grueling Jillian Michaels workout, and being pregnant and hungry and just exhausted, my weaknesses were at an all-time low. But no matter, because my life was changed. I am serious. WHOA.
Enough said.

Then my girls got bored so they swiped my camera and began taking pictures of random stuff around the house.
Like their brother eating cereal.
 Or the refrigerator.

And after stuffing ourselves with cinnamon rolls and hot chocolate and other ridiculous treats we probably shouldn't have been eating, we filled up on a little of this.

The End.

0 sweet nothings: