Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Here are a few tidbits from today.

This morning I was driving Troy to a friend's house so I could go to the temple. He asked where we were going, so I explained. He said, "Oh, I going to Aubrey's house, and you going to the temple! Like this! Know this song, Mommy? [singing] 'I love to see the temple...' Know that song, Mommy?"

On my way home I texted my friend Caetie, and her daughter saw the text and said, "Krista Lundell?" Caetie said (to Troy), "Krista Lundell? Who is that?" Troy thought for a second and then said, "She is married to Travis Lundell."

This afternoon I was on the phone with Travis when I looked down to see that Troy had trapped an ant on the kitchen floor by making a diamond shape with his two hands. Then suddenly he leaned down and ATE the ant. No hands. With his mouth. Just sucked it right up off the floor. Like an anteater. I was so shocked I was speechless. I couldn't even explain to Travis what I had just seen. Then Troy realized that the girls and I were staring at him incredulously, so he took the ant out of his mouth with a sheepish grin and let it crawl all over his hand. That was when the girls informed me that this was not the first time they had caught him eating ants. Um... I don't even know what to do with that.

Here was our phone conversation:
Me: Thank you for my flowers!
Travis: Oh, good, did you get them???
Me: No, but I will tomorrow.
Travis: ...What?
Me: Yeah, I wasn't here when they delivered them, so they have to come back tomorrow.
Travis: But that defeats the whole purpose! They were supposed to come today! I told them to leave them if you weren't there!
Me: NO... it was so hot today, and I didn't get home for another 2-3 hours after they came. Besides, it can still be our anniversary tomorrow. It's the anniversary that keeps on giving!

We went swimming this afternoon, and Troy believes he is Michael Phelps. In swim diapers. I was holding on to him and he tried to convince me to let him go because he wanted to "swim by myself!" Needless to say he got water up his nose. When we were leaving, he refused to take his swim goggles off his head. (Actually I think they are Kate's - you will notice they are pink.) He wore them all evening, and I think he may actually have worn them to bed. I'm so excited I finally got my little swimmer! We can hope, anyway, right?

Then we went swimming again the next day:
(I had to add more. Wow, this boy LOVES to swim!)

3 sweet nothings:

Anie said...

Love little boys!! I've been loving watching Cal do things that the girls never did. Troy seems like an absolute angel - well, aside from the ant eating part! That's awesome!

NatPalmer said...

Such a cute little man!

Angie said...

Ha ha! Well, he's getting his protein.
Those flowers are GORGEOUS!