Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Five Big Years!

I can't believe this little Brookie Bear is FIVE! FIVE!!!! It's shocking.
And probably my favorite five years of my life, if I had to choose five of them.
Yes. Definitely these five.

She was SO. EXCITED.
She just kept saying all day how she couldn't believe she was FIVE! We all have to agree.
Last night before soccer, she put her little fists on her hips and told me, "Tomorrow I am going to be BIGGER!" in her toughest voice. Standing there in her cleats and shin guards and gigantic soccer uniform, it was probably the cutest sight I've seen in a month.

Our play group decorated cupcakes and played games.
(The Hello Kitty party is coming up this weekend)

Tonight we celebrated with presents and macaroni & cheese at Panera Bread (Brooke's request)

We did celebrate with Daddy this past weekend, and that will be a separate post later.
(That's where the horse comes in.)

And of course for nostalgia's sake, here is Brooklyn's life in five pictures:
 One week old
 One year old
 Two years old
Three years old
Four years old

Happy FIFTH Birthday sweet girl!

0 sweet nothings: