Friday, September 21, 2012

An Unwelcome Guest

So we all thought it was pretty awesome when a beaver showed up in our yard... (or rather, the signs of a sneaky beaver - in the form of gnawed-off tree stumps), UNTIL...
Yeah, we are done with the beaver friend.
That was a huge tree! It was green and lush and shady... Also it was nearly twice as tall as what you are seeing. Had it fallen at a right angle to us, it would have taken down our deck! Why not choose the one next to it, which was completely dead?  I will never understand beavers. Check out a close-up of his handiwork...
Next project: get rid of the beaver.
Oh and Brooklyn asked me to take a picture of her and her Care Bear.
Well, okay then! 

1 sweet nothings:

Erika said...

Hunting season is open. Make it known in your stake that you have a beaver you want to get rid of and have someone bring traps. You'll probably have to get some sort of permit from the state. (Or just have Sterling come shoot it!) Then maybe you can make a hat out of it! Like Davy Crocket, but a beaver instead of a racoon!