Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I know, I'm missing a couple holidays here and there, but it's all coming. Baby steps.

We were invited to a fun Easter egg hunt the day before Easter, on which the weather conditions were less than ideal. Still the girls had tons of fun playing in a REAL backyard and of course hunting for those brightly-colored eggs! This is all pretty standard Easter stuff, so I'll just post the pictures and be done with it. :)

This is my favorite. I love how they run.

Signature Brooklyn... holding her pants up as she runs.




Then on Easter Day we took the kids out for a few pictures. Sadly, it is the first time we've gotten a family picture that included Troy. (P.S. He is 8 MONTHS OLD!) They cooperated well. Considering...





This picture completely epitomizes my three kids:

Why I love Photoshop:


Very nice, Brooklyn.

Speaking of her, here's why I love Brooklyn:
That girl cracks me up.

And, that's the end.

7 sweet nothings:

David said...

Yay, more pictures! I love seeing pictures of your kids. And you and your husband too, obviously. But I'm even more excited to see you all this summer!!

Angie said...

Your kids are gorgeous. I couldn't pick my jaw up off the floor after your last post and all those pictures of Troy. I love your matchy-matchy girls and the glimpses of their fun personalities.

Anie said...

Awww..... I love that last family pic of you guys Krista! Self timer?? And that first pic of all three kids is perfect! Oh how I wish I'd gone out and taken pics on Easter. And I need to send the ones of our preschool Easter party. SLowly but surely- I think I'm only 3 posts behind now. That's my goal this week- getting my blog all caught up! THEN I'll be able to sleep better at night! :)

Alicia said...

Krista, your children are adorable. Your girls have such beautiful blue eyes and I can't believe Troy is 8 months already, that's crazy! Very cute family.

welundell said...

Krista you look so pretty in that picture. Brooklyn cracks me up!! We want to buy tickets to see you guys right now!!

Carlson Family said...

I love all of it - and all of YOU!

Wendi said...

That is a pretty cute little family picture! I love the colors and the Easter dresses!