Thursday, March 31, 2011

WARNING: Not for weak stomachs

I know I keep leaving empty promises, but the real blogging is coming soon. Promise.
But I have to share what happened to me this week.

Some friends & I had put together a freezer meal exchange, where we make a bunch of meals intended for the freezer and then exchange them (just in case that wasn't self-explanatory enough). So I planned to make Emeril's BBQ pork sandwiches. The night before the exchange (because that's how I roll) I pulled the pork out and slathered it in a spice rub, covered it, and stuck it in the fridge to marinade overnight. I vaguely remember an interesting smell - not bad, just interesting, and decided I must be unfamiliar with the smell of raw pork. That's all. I spent the next day baking bread. All I had to do with the pork was stick it in freezer bags before it was time to go, so of course I put it off.

That afternoon, I took the pork out of the fridge...


it was aquamarine.

Not. Kidding.

Okay I swear it was not rotten. This one was definitely 100% not my fault. The meat still had a good 3 days to go before the "sell-by" date, and had been vacuum sealed up until that night, and carefully refrigerated at all times. I called Travis in a panic, and when he came home to wrap it up for me (I couldn't go near it) he identified the color as a protein he uses in his lab, which is produced by a bacteria. Also, the only parts that were bright blue-green were the parts that had been exposed to air. But anyway, it took less than 18 hours for a complete transformation. SERIOUSLY???

So. I did not have pork to exchange that evening, but the store did take it back (yes, they made me physically bring the festering meat back to the store), and I recommended they notify their supplier of the bacteria infestation. Then I got new pork (a different brand) and started over again. It was a mess.

Anyway, I just had to document the horror for posterity. I'm sorry if I've effectively ensured that you will never eat pork again. I know how you feel.

0 sweet nothings: