Friday, March 11, 2011

Prayers for Ryan

Travis's youngest brother Ryan is serving an LDS mission for our church in Sendai, Japan, and he is still unaccounted for after the earthquake. We are anxiously waiting for word about him, but since he is in a remote area and the mission president has not been heard from, it may be a while before we have any news. Please keep him in your prayers!

Video Courtesy of

Full article from KSL here

4 sweet nothings:

Safire said...

Hoping he's okay!

Nat said...

Eeek! I hope he's okay! The Lord protects his missionaries. My little bro was in that earthquake in Chile last year, and he had a brick wall fall on him. He was the only missionary in his mission that was injured, but thankfully it wasn't serious. It should have been, though. It was a big wall!

We'll keep Ryan in our prayers.

Dan and Bec said...

I wondered how the missionaries in Japan are faring! We all said a prayer for the people in Japan tonight! We will be even more specific now!

Mari said...

Oh wow, we're praying over here.