Friday, October 29, 2010

I'm in love I'm in love and I don't care who knows it!

[DISCLAIMER: This is not a recent picture. I put that outfit away with the other too-small clothes long ago. Troy is now approximately twice this size, to give you an idea.]
[DISCLAIMER #2: Sappy mommy musings ahead. Feel free to skip this one if you are not a grandparent.]

When I was pregnant I remarked to a couple of people how strange it seemed to be expecting a boy when all I've known is girls. Secretly I was afraid I wouldn't be able to love a little boy the same as I love my girls. No, I'm not - what is it - sexist? Or anything - I was totally happy to be having a boy. I just thought it couldn't be the same. Kind of like how before I had Brooklyn I thought I couldn't possibly love another baby as much as Kate. (All you mothers of more than one know now that isn't true.) A friend told me once that a mother's love multiplies, not divides. Anyway so this time I just started thinking it was a girl thing somehow - like nothing could be the same as that mother-daughter bond.

Well I am here today to tell you that I stand corrected.
Apparently, nothing is the same as that mother-son bond either! I thought maybe it was about cute pink outfits or hair bows or silky little piggy-tail curls or tiny Easter dresses, and that's what I would be missing by not having a girl. Turns out it is none of that. And I am missing nothing. I can't really say any more by way of explanation, because how do you put into words those adoring miniature dark eyes or the big overenthusiastic gummy smile or the little masculine jaw? (Yes I think he looks masculine. Who knew a baby could?) Every time I see that furrowed eyebrow in deep concentration and those studious little eyes fastened on me and then suddenly his mouth erupts into the most gigantic smile he can muster without cracking his face, I just melt. Seriously, baby smiles make me tear up every time. There is nothing in this world as pure and perfect as a new baby. I just want to freeze him in this stage and keep him forever. Or sprinkle sugar on him and eat him up.

(But not really.)

5 sweet nothings:

Wendi said...

He really is rather cute!

Mary said...

This is such a good picture. He's perfect!

Karen said...

You put it just right :o) Who ever said anything about snakes and snails and puppy dog tails? I say sugar and spice is just as good (if not better :o) on boys... there's more to eat!!!

Nat said...

Isn't the mother-son bond awesome? Congratulations! He sure is cute!

Angie said...

That is such a relief to hear. I've been doubly worried - second kid AND a boy, how could I possibly love him as much as I love Hazel? You bring me good tidings of great joy.