As usual our baby went past the due date and Krista had to be induced. Since she is somewhat incapacitated right now I (Travis) will attempt to tell the story. Of course you will all be really bored because I am not quite as witty as my wife but I will give it a shot and you can always just glance through the pictures.
We left our house about 5 minutes before our schedule arrival time of 8:00. Here we are on our way out the door. Kate heard us leaving and asked "Are you going to go take out the baby?" It was cute to see how excited the girls were.

In my haste and excitement while trying to park along the curb just outside the hospital (because you have to pay to park in hospital parking lot) I was making a U-turn and hit the curb rather hard. Krista heard a strange sound coming from outside that sounded like air rapidly escaping a tire. I got out to check and indeed she was right. Fortunately I was already parked in a safe spot so I left the car there. The next day Kate and Brooklyn came out with Mimi to help me change the tire or at least watch me while Mimi took pictures to document our adventure. I like how interested Brooklyn looks as we scope out the damage.
So getting back to our arrival, we arrived at the hospital at 8:15 a little later than our 8:00 scheduled appointment, but we wouldn't be the Lundells if we didn't arrive late and we didn't want to give little Troy any high expectations. Ironically, they asked us to call one hour prior to our appointment to verify that they were on schedule, which we did, but after we arrived and checked in we waited in the lobby for 1.5 hours before I asked them why we weren't being taken to our room yet. We entertained ourselves with Mine Sweeper on my computer until I finally asked the newly arrived receptionist what was going on. She made some calls and eventually a "substitute" nurse came, brought us to our room, and got us situated until our "real" nurse could

attend to us. We were rather disappointed with our accommodations. Krista's bed was hard and I didn't have a bed, but there was a bench I could sleep on. They put Krista on a low dose of pitocin overnight and increased the dose at 6 AM. I got about 5 hours of sleep and Krista probably got 1 hour or less. Her contractions got pretty bad. She says they were far more painful than she remembers with either of the girls and she was anxious to get an epidural. Here she is much happier now that she has her epidural. Thank you Dr. Martin!

The girls were at home with Sarah Draper, a friend from church. She was kind enough to come over and sit with the girls so Krista's mom could come and witness the delivery, provide some moral support and demonstrate her photography skills so we could have pictures to blog with. Thanks Sarah and Kelly! Everything moved along rather quickly that morning but not quite as quickly as you would expect with a third child. They broke her water at 8:14 a.m. Krista did a great job and I'm sure she was sick of us telling her to keep pushing cause what else would she do. She had a great physician and nurse and we're thankful for all their efforts in making the whole process go smoothly.

Dr. Berham: Always happy and positive.

Erin, our nurse for the morning of delivery.
When Troy finally made his appearance he was really quiet. It was like we woke him up from a nap and he just wanted to stay asleep. Here are a few pictures of him just after he was born.

In the blue corner, weighing in at 9 pounds and 1.6 ounces. Heavy weight Troy...Morgan...LUNDELL! **crowd goes wild**

Troy was born at 11:21 a.m. EST.

As soon as Troy was born of course we had to call the family. I have never sent a text message with a picture before so I thought I'd give it a whirl since I called everyone and just about nobody answered. Unfortunately, my inexperience got the best of me and it took me probably about two hours to finally get the text out and then I realized that most of my siblings numbers weren't even in my phone (it's a pay-as-you-go phone so I never use it unless in an emergency or a child is born) so it took a while to finally get the message to my family.
Sorry everyone!
Because he was so large Erin had to check his blood glucose levels which requires a stick to the feet. After several attempts she finally got it. She said she has never had such a hard time getting a baby to bleed, I think the nurses said the same thing about Superman when he was born...or am I just thinking of a different story =).

Mom and Troy

Dad and Troy (That bench I am sitting on is what I slept on the first night.)

Mimi and Troy

Meanwhile the girls were at home anxiously waiting to see their brother for the first time. Once we change from the labor and delivery room to the recovery room the girls were allowed to visit. After they took their nap they finally got to come over. It is nice being only about a mile or less from home. Here they are out in front of the hospital.

Here they are looking at their brother for the first time. They had their hands washed but were a little hesitant to hold him at first.

Kate and Troy

Brooklyn and Troy

Troy + football = happy dad!

Here is Troy after finding his thumb.
And our first family picture:

Welcome to the Lundell clan, Troy!
Here is a video of Troy this morning just in case you want some live action shots.
16 sweet nothings:
Oh happy happy day!! Troy is so chill and releaxed. What a yummy little guy. We wish you lots of love.
Oh happy happy day!! Troy is so chill and releaxed. What a yummy little guy. We wish you lots of love.
oh my gosh!!! he is so adorable and has so much hair!!! i want to steal him. this is not a joke. how far away is washington again? you wouldn't mind an additional 5 house guests after having a baby, right? what's 7 kids in a small apartment? piece of cake!
What a story, sounds like the start was a little rough. Way to rough it out on the bench Travis:) I am glad that he is finally here and healthy. We can't wait to see him, he is a handsome big guy.
ADORABLE!!! And what a BIG boy!! Congrats you guys! I LOVE that last family pic. Troy's a lucky guy to have such awesome big sisters! I'm sure they'll take great care of him! We'll give you guys a call next week sometime to see if we can come over to see him! YAY!!
How fun, you guys!!! Troy is precious--am I allowed to call a boy that? And I think he is as big as Caroline is now :o) We are so excited for you guys, and happy that Troy is here and healthy. What a happy day... Can't wait to see him. I'm coming tonight!!!
What a cutie!! Almost makes me want to have another one. Austin isn't small enough anymore. His size definitely fits the Morgan part of his name. What a lot of hair. Krista, I think he looks like you. The male version of you, that is. Like Cami is the female version of Sterling. It's a compliment. I think.
Troy just wanted to be the composite weight of the triplets Travis, TIm and Troy. He just looks so cute! I love the diaper picture with your mom. I just want to hold him.
He is beautiful Krista! Congratulations, what a sweet baby! Hope you are feeling good and getting as much rest as you can! :D
Congrats guys! He's looking great!
Awesome news! I've gotta say, I'm floored such a honker came out of teeny tiny Krista (who, by the way, still looked absolutely stunning and skinny everywhere but that darn tummy even day of). It seems like Travis is reeaaaally glad to have a boy. The picture with him, the baby, and the football cracked me up! Congrats, guys.
Definitely looks like Krista. How cute. Can't wait to meet him.
OH!!!! He is so CUTE! I can't wait to meet him in person! I'm sure that the ward is taking good care of you, but Andrew and I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to do something to help make the transition from parents of 2 to parents of 3 a little easier! We'll try to call in the next few weeks when life gets a little calmer...yeah, right! Congrats!
This is Matt. Congratulations!!! We are so excited for you guys! I love the way you write, you make me laugh and it makes me want to hang out with you guys! Good luck!
What an adorable little man! I love the hair! Congrats!
What a cutie! Congrats you guys! And to Travis to finally having a son. I know for guys that's some sort of special accomplishment, that is unless you already have two others. :)
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