Thursday, September 16, 2010

One Week Old





Okay, don't laugh. (All right, fine, you can.) I was trying to be artsy and I thought it would be fun to take Troy out into the woodsy area behind our apartment and take some pictures of him. In a drawer. Because that's what popped into my head. I think instead of being all cutting-edge and artistic, it turned out to be just a naked baby. In a drawer. Outside.


6 sweet nothings:

Nat said...

Oh, he is so cute!

Jue said...

I like ur idea.. ;p the last pic.. lol I think of doin it in the future :)

tylerandmommy said...

What are you doing? Are you superwoman or something? You have three kids including one that is a week old. I don't even know if I got out my pajamas by then. You're crazy (in a good sort of way). Great pics!!

Wendi said...

I love your little Troy!

Unknown said...

After all the talk last night, I had to come here first thing in the morning and SEE this famous drawer picture for myself. Except that after last night, it wasn't quite "first thing in the morning..." Love it!

Travis and Jamie said...

He such a cutie! Aren't boys fun? I guess right now he probably isn't too different from his sisters, but one day you will just look at him and think, "What the heck are boys thinking?!"