My parents & my cute brother Ryan have been in town this past week, so it's been all hanging out and not much of anything else. So, here's a tiny small re-cap so I won't feel like I have a huge mountainous task ahead of me when I actually do try some real catching up. Let's start in reverse chronological order.
Last night we went to dinner in McLean with some friends of my parents. Travis took a raincheck so he could get a little more studying in. Walking back to their hotel, we took a few pictures. I just thought this one was Classic Brooklyn.

Okay picture-taking is not really my thing, so I haven't done much of it lately. I'll just say we went to a cute little cafe last night where the waiters were so sweet to my girls and brought them a chocolate mousse after their meal. The last few days have been filled with swimming, eating, and oh yes, the midnight premier of Eclipse. My friend Callie & I went to the last one together, and this time we had matching outfits to wear so we had to go. We dragged my mom and Wendi along (I think against their will - what good sports!) and it was fun if not exhausting! Mostly I just love an excuse to eat ridiculous amounts of candy in the middle of the night.

We play for opposite teams, but it's all right.

I look so awesome at 2:30 in the morning. At least Callie & Wendi are still gorgeous.
Pretty sure we were some of the only people there above age 18... at least dressed in Twilight apparel, anyway. The pregnant bump didn't help much. At one point Callie suddenly looked at me in horror and said, "We're like those
MOMS, you know, who are crazy about Twilight and go to the midnight movies and everyone is thinking, 'Aren't you just a
little too old for this?'" We probably are.
Wendi & Carter spent the night, as well as my mom & Ryan, and we went swimming the next morning even though it was NOT hot. My mom is a better picture-taker than I am so maybe I'll just steal hers later. Anyway it was so fun to hang out with Wend and this little guy. Travis is crazy about him. He needs a son of his own. Oh wait...

And, that's all for now folks.
2 sweet nothings:
I'm glad you recorded that that picture at the movie was in the middle of the night. I think you look good at least despite what you wrote.
So where exactly did you get those matching outfits? Oh wait, you probably made them didn't you? You are a crafty one after all, though I can't believe you're a Jacob fan. He's hotter than Edward (at least in the movies) but that's about it. I think he's a jerk.
Sterling and Preston were almost literally two of only about ten guys in the entire theater. They were great sports.
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