Tuesday, March 9, 2010


12 sweet nothings:

Karen said...

heehee, i get it :o) yahoo for you guys!!!

you are brave, i still can't bring myself to say anything... but CONGRATS!!!! here's to long sundays in the mother's lounge :o) i think it's going to get crowded in there!

Callie said...

Love it. Congrats again.

Safire said...


Doreen said...

PLEASE tell me that is a home made t-shirt (like the BYU t-shirts). If not, I think your skills are good enough in the t-shirt making department that you COULD HAVE made this shirt. I've seen your work.
I don't know whether to wish you another girl or boy. hmmmm.

Andrew said...

I have a girl shirt that says "Big Sisters Rock!"

You can have it if you have a girl.

Nat said...

I love hand me downs!

Oh wait-- you're pregnant?! ;) Congratulations! When are you due?

Angie said...

Hey, hey! Congratulations! I hope your next post gives us a little more information. And I can't believe you did your piano recitals in your first tri! How hard was that???

tylerandmommy said...

I guess the little bird IS right... When are you due?

Wendi said...

Brooklyn is so cute! She can practice her role with Carter!

jbel said...

very cute: the news, the girl, the shirt, the way to share it all!

Kristen said...

Congrats! I hope you'll be posting your survival tips for a mother of three so we can all start taking notes! So exciting, both of your girls are going to be great big sisters. :)

Unknown said...

Where have I been? Holy cow.. behind on blogosphere, so I just saw your news. CONGRATS!!!! Super exciting! Hope all is going well! :)