CAKE: Yes I made my own. Except that the last time I made this same cake, we all had a slice and then it sat on the counter until it got moldy. I mean it was good, but you can only eat so much chocolate cake, right? Plus we must have had lots of other goodies around because usually we don't have this problem. So this time I made half a cake. It was just right. (And still isn't gone. I finally froze the rest and have been re-enjoying it this week.)
AND THE ICING ON THE CAKE: I have always had a hard time frosting cakes. Trouble with the frosting process of course, but even more with choosing a frosting that is as delicious as if it came from a can (let's be honest; frosting from the can tastes much better) but without the trans fat! (I know I'm a freak.) Thanks to Martha Stewart, I finally found this recipe in her baking handbook. And may I say it was downright amazing. It tasted like the inside of a Lindt truffle (can you tell I've had too many of those this season?) - HOWEVER, it was so rich I couldn't even finish a single slice. But still delicious and I will post the recipe later.
THANKS cute family for making my *cough* third twenty-fourth birthday the BEST EVER! I love you!!!
6 sweet nothings:
Ooooooooooh I LOVE Wingers and miss it like mad! Maybe instead of our Super Walmart we should open a Wingers. It can still be two story...
Glad you had a good birthday too!
I'm not a math star, but I think I can subtract pretty good to know better. It also helps that I'm about the same age which I do forget how old I am sometimes too. Nice try, but I'm sure no one would believe you if you told the truth about your age anyways. Remember how you got confused for a Junior high or maybe even middle school student just a few years ago.
ok, even at 24 and a *cough 3 times, you are still young!!! I forgot how early you got started on your family life.
cake looks delicious-way to go Travis for making a great b-day dinner ... must have scored him some brownie points, right???
Happy (late) Birthday! Tell Travis he gets extra points for being sneaky about the sauce. And can I say: THOSE ARE HUGE WINGS!!
Happy birthday! Hooray for the birthday wings, that's so cute! Mmm... Wingers...
oh my gosh! YOURE 27? WHAT? is that right? NO? I thought you were SOOOOOOOO much younger than me? this cant be right? Email me and CONFIRM!?
Anyway, happy birthday! Sorry i missed it! TEAR!
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